Early Career Mobility Scheme

The Early Career Mobility Scheme (ECMS) is now closed (the deadline was 16 January 2024)
Thanks to those that submitted bids, we will be in contact once the panel has met.

ECMS aims todevelop early career researchersand tostrengthen our institutional partnerships by enhancing research collaborations with key partners. It is open to University of Glasgow: 

  • PhD students, 
  • Post-doctoral researchers, 
  • Early career staff with an academic post (eligible: all those who hold an academic post at the University of Glasgow and are within 10 years of defending PhD) 

Support is available to work with the following institutions: 

  • University of Hong Kong 
  • McGill University 
  • Smithsonian Institution.


Objectives and guidance


The objectives of this scheme are to:

  • promote and strengthen new and existing research connections between the University of Glasgow and its partner institutions,
  • introduce PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and early career staff to academic culture and professional contacts overseas and
  • provide a first-hand experience of the partnership culture which is increasingly at the heart of academic collaboration.


a. General considerations

Applications should clearly demonstrate how their proposal will enhance the wider collaborative links between University of Glasgow and the partner with whom they wish to engage. The application should also highlight how the funding will help with the development of your career. 

Applicants should make sure their application reflects all costs (including visa, insurance and administrative costs) surrounding their proposed project. 

Applicants are encouraged to also consider virtual ways of engaging with their chosen host institution in case it is not possible to travel at the time of the proposed trip. This could include:

  • Attending virtual meetings
  • Arranging virtual workshops and events
  • Conducting regular catch-ups with your host supervisor or relevant host contacts via Zoom/Teams.

b. Travel and Health insurance

Recipients should register their trip and complete the necessary travel Risk Assessment Procedure. More details can be found on the Travel Risk, Insurance and Compliance Approval Portal (TRIPCAP).

Recipients should also ensure they download the SafeZone app, prior to travel.

All postgraduate students should visit the Research Furth webpages

c. Visas

All applicants need to verify whether a visa is required for their study period and make all the appropriate arrangements accordingly.  

If a visa is required, please ensure that you apply well in advance of your departure, as the visa application procedure (which may involve attending an interview in London) can often take 2/3 months to process. Successful recipients who apply late may find it difficult to obtain a visa in time to coincide with their planned visit. 

Canada (McGill University)
British Citizens don’t usually need a visa to visit Canada for short periods, but will have to apply for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) before travel.  For more information about the eTA system, and to apply online, visit the  official Canadian government website

Hong Kong (University of Hong Kong)
British Citizens are permitted to visit Hong Kong for up to 6 months without a visa. However during the COVID-19 pandemic, different entry requirements are being applied in Hong Kong, including refusing entry to all non-Hong Kong residents. Recipients please check visa requirements well in advance of your intended travel.

USA (the Smithsonian Institution)
All recipients visiting the Smithsonian Institution must obtain a Smithsonian J-1 visa to allow their entrance into the USA in order to carry out their ECMS research project. This should be arranged as soon as possible as the visa can take up to 3 months to process and may require a face-to-face interview.

Applicants should consider that they may need funds to travel to the US Embassy in London for a face-to-face interview when setting out their budget. The cost of the visa is waivered however, there may be shipping fees attached (approx. $80 USD/£65 GBP).

Further details on how to apply for this visa will be provided to successful recipients.

d. Health requirements

Successful recipients are reminded to check COVID-19 vaccinations and testing requirements and whether there are any required quarantine periods in order to enter the country of the host institution well in advance of their proposed trip.

Advice for British citizens can be found on the Foreign Travel Advice section of the UK Government website:

 For further details please visit Foreign travel advice - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Please note, sections ‘c’ and ‘d’ provide information which relates to predominantly British Citizens and is subject to change. Non-British Citizens are also encouraged to check all travel and visa requirements relevant to them, prior to booking.

Award value

Applicants can apply for up to the sum of £5,000 to support their proposal and must clearly outline how the money will be used. 

Please note, as this is an internal funding source, items do not need to be costed on Agresso & Research Costing and Pricing.

The award is primarily intended to contribute to expenses relating to: 

  • travel 
  • accommodation 
  • daily living costs
  • visa costs
  • generally, the ECMS does not fund costs for research material/equipment unless exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated (please provide specific details and why it is necessary for the project).

Applicants are reminded that engagement with their host institution may also take place virtually. As such, funding could also be utilised to support the following expenditures (subject to the approval of the ECMS Panel):  

  • Development/use of online programmes, platforms and tools; 
  • Conference registration fees (virtual events only).

Applicants must develop a clear proposal setting out details of the proposed visit/project, including the amount required and how the money would be used.   

Applicants are actively encouraged to use funds in conjunction with other sources of funding. 

Please note, all decisions regarding the budget are at the discretion of the ECMS panel and subject to further details being requested.

Eligibility, academic status and duration

Eligibility and academic status

Those who are eligible to apply for the ECMS include:

  • All those registered for PhD at the University of Glasgow who have full doctoral student status, and who will not submit their thesis before completing their collaboration. Overall supervision will remain the responsibility of the student’s Glasgow supervisor/s.
  • All those with a valid University of Glasgow contract to work as a postdoctoral researcher. 
  • Early career staff  ie, all those who hold an academic post at the University of Glasgow and are within 10 years of defending a PhD. 


So as to ensure that the scheme can support a broad range of activities, there is no limit on the duration of the project.

However, students and researchers are advised that any funds must be utilised before the 31 July 2024. It will not be possible to extend access to any funds which remain unspent after this date.

Application procedure

Applications for 2024 are now closed. Below is an example of the usual application procedure for reference.

Applicants should first conduct research into opportunities available to them with the partner institutions, including, for example, potential scholars with whom they would like to work. They should discuss the opportunity with their University of Glasgow supervisor and with the partner institution. 

If the proposed project requires ethical approval, please ensure that you check with your host about the processes involved and their timescale, and plan appropriately. 

Support for the application should be secured both in Glasgow and with the partner institution. All applicants must seek authorisation from their Head of School and obtain a signature for the ECMS application form.

University of Glasgow applicants who meet the eligibility criteria should submit the following: 

  1. ECMS application form which includes: 

a. Application overview and personal statement

b. Statement of support from University of Glasgow: 
UofG colleagues providing the Statement of Support should indicate their relationship to the applicant (e.g. supervisor, Head of School, Principal Investigator) 

UofG colleagues providing the Statement of Support must be copied into applicant’s submission email to externalrelations-partnershipfunding@glasgow.ac.uk 

c. Statement of support from visiting partner
A short statement of support (attached to submission email as pdf/word document/email) from your proposed supervisor or academic at the partner institution you wish to visit/collaborate with.

d. Proposed budget 

e. Privacy notice.

Your application should be emailed to externalrelations-partnershipfunding@glasgow.ac.uk  

Please note, funds will be allocated to your School/Institute within the financial year 2022/2023. It is the recipient’s responsibility to spend this before the end of the financial year,  31 July 2024. This date coincides with the University of Glasgow’s financial year-end and it will not be possible to carry over any unspent funds into the next financial year.   


Please note, each recipient is required to complete an ECMS progress report within two months of returning from their visit.

Recipients who fail to submit a progress report will not be eligible to submit future applications and your Head of School will be notified.

Recipients are encouraged to arrange an internal/departmental event to maximise impact and showcase their achievements following the collaboration. This should highlight the positive impact that collaboration with our international partner institutions can have on your research and the opportunities for your wider team/department. Suggested information events include a virtual coffee morning or poster presentation (either virtually or in-person).

Please do not hesitate to contact externalrelations-partnershipfunding@glasgow.ac.uk should you wish to discuss this on more detail.

Previous awards

Congratulations to 2022/23 recipients  

NameSchoolCollegeVisiting institution
Dr Elizabeth Nelson Education CoSS McGill
Dr Sheon Mary Samji Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health MVLS McGill
Dr Sharika Mohanan Physics and Astronomy CoSE McGill
Dr Ziqi Li Geographical and Earth Sciences CoSE McGill
Dr Ide Haghi Modern Languages and Cultures CoA McGill
Kristina Astrom Modern Languages and Cultures CoA Smithsonian
Dr Lisa Bradley Education CoSS Smithsonian
Rui Yang Modern Languages and Cultures CoA HKU
Dr Kevin Guyan Culture and Creative Arts CoA HKU
Dr Qiaosi Li Social and Political Sciences CoSS HKU
David Edwards Geographical and Earth Sciences CoSE HKU

2021/2022 award recipients

NameSchool / InstituteCollegeVisiting institution
Dr Bachar Cheaib Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health & Comparative Medicine MVLS McGill
Catherine Friel Health & Wellbeing, Social & Public Health Sciences Unit MVLS McGill
Pia Katharina Huesch Law Social Sciences McGill
Dr Vaithinathan Karthikeyan Engineering Science and Engineering Hong Kong
Dr Cai Ladd Geographical & Earth Sciences Science and Engineering McGill
Jennifer Mallon Geographical & Earth Sciences Science and Engineering Smithsonian 
Marianne McCallum Health & Wellbeing MVLS McGill
Erin McNulty Modern Languages & Cultures Arts Smithsonian 
Dr Mingshu Wang Geographical & Earth Sciences Science and Engineering Hong Kong
Jinglin Wen Adam Smith Business School Social Sciences McGill
Duanyi Yi Social & Political Sciences Social Sciences Hong Kong