Social Sciences College IT Services

Who we are

Social Sciences College IT Services provide a wide range of support for IT within the College of Social Sciences and in liaison with the university’s central IT services. We look after computers for members of the college and machines in student clusters, as well as organising home volumes, shared data, security, print and other services to users as required.

What we do

We offer the following services:

  • Set up new computers, including the configuration of email and other network services, normally based on Standard Staff Desktop (SSD), and associated peripherals.
  • Manage and maintain computer clusters based on the Common Student Computing Environment (CSCE).
  • Install and upgrade desktop software, subject to licensing conditions.
  • Assist with diagnosing and resolving software problems.
  • Assist with diagnosing and resolving hardware problems with computers, printers and related peripherals.
  • Advise on IT set-up in relation to servers and other network functions.
  • Recommend IT hardware based on University of Glasgow purchasing policies.
  • Recommend desktop software based on University of Glasgow standards.
  • Advise on IT purchasing and software licensing more generally, including costings for research submissions.
  • Assist with video-conferencing support.
  • Advise on audio and video recording and, resources permitting, assist in recording non-commercial small-scale events.

How to contact us

Details of how to contact us are on our Enquiries & support web page.