Learning from grassroots responses to the pandemic - the case of Chocó, Colombia


Countries facing humanitarian crisis are disproportionately affected by the impacts of the Covid 19 pandemic. The current guidance on pandemic responses is often not suitable to fragile settings where livelihoods are precarious, local health systems are already weakened and political instability is the norm. The direct and indirect effects of lockdowns in humanitarian contexts is currently under documented. This policy brief explores the pandemic interventions adopted in Chocó, Colombia. Chocó is a conflict affected region with a predominantly Afro-Colombian and indigenous population and characterised by high levels of poverty and food insecurity. The response was developed as partnership between the University of Glasgow, the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) and the Diocese of Quibidó. The brief provides recommendations on how governments and humanitarian organizations can adapt pandemic interventions and better respond to needs of vulnerable communities.


Gillies, A., Hume, M., Camburn, M., López, J. and Palacios, Y. (2021) Covid 19 in Chocó Colombia: Learning from grassroot responses to the pandemic. Policy Brief. Low and Middle Income Countries Research Network.