Volunteer for an MRI Scan

The MRI Research Team at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital is looking for volunteers to undergo an MRI scan so that we can test and optimise new techniques before they are used in clinical research studies.

The scan can be of any region of the body, depending on the new techniques which are being tested at the time. The MRI scan will take between 30 minutes and 2 hours (usually within working hours), and you must be between 16 – 80 years old.

Please note: There are no clinical or diagnostic benefits for volunteers in our studies. We are unable to offer payment for volunteering.

MRI optimisation scans have been approved by West of Scotland Research Ethics Committee 3


How long will the MRI take?

The MRI can take between 30 minutes and 2 hours depending on the type of technique we are testing at the time.

Will you be able to diagnose me using the MRI?

Unfortunately we can't offer diagnosis for volunteers in our research studies and would encourage you to follow the normal routes of diagnosis should you suspect something is wrong.

What are the benefits of volunteering for an MRI scan?

Volunteering for one of our MRI scans will help us further our diagnostic capacities and progress the accuracy of MRI scans for patients.