Miss Penelope Laycock

  • Lecturer (Urban Studies & Social Policy)


I am a Tutor in Social and Public Policy located in the department of Urban Studies. I have an Undergraduate degree in Biological Anthropology from the University of Kent and a Masters degree in Medical Anthropology from University College London. I have recently undertaken a PhD at the University of Strathclyde in Social Policy which focused specifically on adult children of problem drinkers and the influences and risks for problematic substance use. Throughout my PhD I tutored on Strathclyde's Social Policy modules. 

Prior to undertaking the PhD, I worked for the NHS North East London Foundation Trust as a Clinical Studies Officer. For this, I worked on various research projects focused broadly on mental health issues. 

Research interests

  • Health Inequalities
  • Substance Use
  • Social Policy
  • Impacts on health in Glasgow
  • Structural Inequalities

Research groups