Dr Neil Munro
- Senior Lecturer in Chinese Politics (Political & International Studies)
0141 3307628
College of Social Sciences, School of Social & Political Sciences, Adam Smith Building, Glasgow, G12 8RT
Research interests
Neil Munro holds a BA (combined honours) in Chinese and Russian (Queensland, 1990) and a PhD in public policy from University of Strathclyde (2004). He has a comparative interest in participation in governance in post-communist and developing societies. He has published on a wide range of themes ranging from acceptance of bureaucratic norms through national identity, participation, regime legitimacy and social cohesion. His current research focuses on these and other issues in relation to social and environmental policies in China and Tanzania.
Selected publications
Munro, N. , Chng, N. R. and Chen, L. (2023) Green shoots of revival: political leadership and the differentiation of space in a “Zero Pollution Village” in rural Zhejiang, China. Capitalism Nature Socialism, (doi: 10.1080/10455752.2023.2178945) (Early Online Publication)
Munro, N. (2022) China's identity through a historical lens [Special Issue on Strategic Culture]. Journal of Advanced Military Studies, 2022, pp. 35-48. (doi: 10.21140/mcuj.2022SIstratcul003)
Munro, N. and Kweka, O. (2021) Trust in providers of domestic water: a comparison of the public utility and informal vendors in Dar es Salaam. Journal of Development Studies, 57(10), pp. 1710-1722. (doi: 10.1080/00220388.2021.1887479)
Munro, N. (2021) Explaining public participation in environmental governance in China. Environmental Values, 30(4), pp. 453-475. (doi: 10.3197/096327120X15868540131314)
Munro, N. (2018) Does refusal bias influence the measurement of Chinese political trust? Journal of Contemporary China, 27(111), pp. 457-471. (doi: 10.1080/10670564.2018.1410981)
Munro, N. (2018) 'Market justice' in China and Russia. Journal of Chinese Governance, 3(3), pp. 307-330. (doi: 10.1080/23812346.2018.1490102)
Munro, N. (2017) Predictors of support for state for state social welfare provision in Russia and China. Europe-Asia Studies, 69(1), pp. 53-75. (doi: 10.1080/09668136.2016.1265643)
Duckett, J. , Hunt, K. , Munro, N. and Sutton, M. (2016) Does distrust in providers affect health-care utilization in China? Health Policy and Planning, 31(8), pp. 1001-1009. (doi: 10.1093/heapol/czw024) (PMID:27117483) (PMCID:PMC5013779)
Munro, N. and Duckett, J. (2016) Explaining public satisfaction with health care systems: findings from a nationwide survey in China. Health Expectations, 19(3), pp. 654-666. (doi: 10.1111/hex.12429) (PMID:26595456) (PMCID:PMC4991297)
Munro, N. (2014) Profiling the victims: public awareness of pollution-related harm in China. Journal of Contemporary China, 23(86), pp. 314-329. (doi: 10.1080/10670564.2013.832532)
Munro, N. (2012) Connections, paperwork or passivity: strategies of popular engagement with the Chinese bureaucracy. China Journal, 68, pp. 147-176. (doi: 10.1086/666576)
All publications
- Scottish Funding Council grant (SFC/AN/12/2017) Social Accountability for Sustainable Domestic Water in Dar es Salaam. September 2017-March 2018. Principal Investigator with Co-Investigators Nai Rui Chng, Marian Scott, Claire Miller, William Sloan and Stephanie Connelly (all Glasgow). £49,992.
- ESRC grant (ES/J011487/1) Performance evaluations, trust and utilization of health care in China: understanding relationships between attitudes and health-related behaviour. March 201--February 2015. Co-Investigator with Jane Duckett (PI, Glasgow), Kate Hunt (Glasgow) and Matt Sutton (Manchester). £508,678.
- ESRC grant (ES/J012688/1) Rising Powers: unequal powers, authoritarian powers, unstable powers? September 2012--August 2015. Co-Investigator with Stephen White (PI, Glasgow), Jane Duckett (Glasgow) and Ian McAllister (ANU). £574,174.
- EU-China Environmental Governance Programme, Public participation of environmental governance in the Jiaxing model and its applicability in Zhejiang province. October 2012--September 2014. Consultant with Wei YU (PI, Zhejiang Provincial Government), Laurence Van Der Maesen (European Foundation for Social Quality), Hinrich Voss (Leeds), and Ka LIN (Zhejiang University). €420,000, of which €25,000 to U. Glasgow.
- Bu, Wenchao
How effective is China’s SO2 emissions regulation? - Chen, Hao
The Main Driving Forces of China's Knowledge Economies Transition - Yi, Duanyi
How unique was China's Nuclear Strategy ( 1964-1993)
Undergraduate Teaching
- Chinese Politics
- China's International Relations
Postgraduate Teaching
- China's International Politics
Research datasets
Additional information
Public Engagement
Presenter and Organizer, Online symposium on Urban Water Governance in Dar Es Salaam, www.suwg-dar.org, 5th-8th July 2021
Presenter & Co-organizer, Global think-shop and collaborative planning forum on Strengthening research, knowledge and practice for accountability on water, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 27th- 29th March 2018
Presenter, International workshop on "International experience of public participation in environmental protection and local practice in Zhejiang Province", Hangzhou and Jiaxing, China, 31 October to 1 November, 2013.
Presenter, China’s Health Reforms after Four Years: Public Evaluations Workshop, Peking University, Beijing, China, 16 September 2013.
Keynote speech, "Violence towards healthcare professionals: an assessment of causes, frequency, prevention and solutions", University of Chicago Center, Beijing, 17-18 Septemberi 2013.
Europe-China Research and Advice Network (ECRAN) Short Paper "Patterns of China-Russia Cooperation in Multilateral Forums," January 2012.
Briefing paper for Scottish Government for on Human Rights in China, November 2011 (with J. Duckett)