Dr Hua Wang
- Lecturer (Political & International Studies)
I joined the School of Soical and Political Sciences in September 2018. I received my PhD in Politics from the University of Glasgow in 2017, and an MSc and BA in Public policy from Nankai University in China. My main research and teaching interests lie in the areas of business lobbying, state-society relations and the policy processes in authoritarian settings. My current research focuses on local policy implementations of eldercare policies and central-local policy interactions in China.
Research interests
Research groups
- Politics
- The UCCL travel grants: £1630, 2019-2020
Postgraduate Taught and Research
- Qualitative methods
- 1A: Introduction to Politics
- 1B: Introduction to International Relations
- 2B: Comparative Politics
- Chinese Politics
Additional information
- A member of Scottish Center for China Research
- A Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and hold the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PgCAP)