Number of items: 80.
Matthews, P., Hastings, A. and Wang, Y.
Understanding COVID-lockdowns through urban management systems: a novel application of administrative data.
Urban, Planning and Transport Research, 11(1),
(doi: 10.1080/21650020.2023.2203217)
Hastings, A. , Mackenzie, M. , Earley, A. and Fleming, J.
In Parallel or in Dialogue? Recent Housing and Domestic Abuse Policy Change in Scotland.
Housing Studies Association Annual Conference 2023, Sheffield, UK, 29- 31 Mar 2023.
Hastings, A. and Gannon, M.
Absorbing the shock of austerity: the experience of local government workers at the front line.
Local Government Studies, 48(5),
pp. 887-906.
(doi: 10.1080/03003930.2021.1889516)
Hastings, A. , Mackenzie, M. and Earley, A.
Domestic Abuse and Housing: Policy in Focus Since the COVID-19 Pandemic.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hastings, A. , Matthews, P. and Wang, Y.
Unequal and gendered: assessing the impacts of austerity cuts on public service users.
Social Policy and Society,
(doi: 10.1017/S1474746421000543)
(Early Online Publication)
Hastings, A. , Matthews, P. and Wang, Y.
Analysis of North Lanarkshire Council’s CRM system: Austerity and Citizen Service Requests in Neighbourhoods – A Socio-economic and Gender Analysis. Unequal Access to Services Project: Working Paper 1.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hastings, A.
Are we “all in this together?”: Reflecting on the continuities between austerity and COVID-19 crises.
In: Steer, M., Davoudi, S., Shucksmith, M. and Todd, L. (eds.)
Hope Under Neoliberal Austerity.
Policy Press: Bristol, UK.
ISBN 9781447356820
Hastings, A. , Mackenzie, M. and Earley, A.
Domestic Abuse and Housing: Connections and Disconnections in the Pre-Covid-19 Policy World.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Serin, B. and Hastings, A.
Suburbs are becoming increasingly diverse – urban development and the pandemic will transform them further.
30 Nov.
Hastings, A.
Facing the public services crisis.
In: Dobson, J. and Atkinson, R. (eds.)
Urban Crisis, Urban Hope. A Policy Agenda for UK Cities.
Series: Anthem Environment and Sustainability Initiative (AESI).
Anthem Press: London, UK, pp. 101-107.
ISBN 9781785274718
Rolfe, S., Bynner, C. and Hastings, A.
Changing places and evolving activism: communities in post industrial Glasgow.
In: Kintrea, K. and Madgin, R. (eds.)
Transforming Glasgow: Beyond the Post-Industrial City.
Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 179-199.
ISBN 9781447349778
Babbel, B., Mackenzie, M. , Hastings, A. , Watt, G. and Mackenzie, M.
How do General Practitioners understand health inequalities and do their professional roles offer scope for mitigation? Constructions derived from the deep end of primary care.
Critical Public Health, 29(2),
pp. 168-180.
(doi: 10.1080/09581596.2017.1418499)
Gannon, M., Burn-Murdoch, A., Aiton, A., Bailey, N. , Bramley, G., Campbell, A., Finnigan, K., Hastings, A. and O'Conor, A.
Pro-Poor or Pro-Rich? The Social Impact of Local Government Budgets, 2016-17 to 2018-19. SPICe Briefing 18-82.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Gannon, M., Burn-Murdoch, A., Aiton, A., Bailey, N. , Bramley, G., Campbell, A., Finnigan, K., Gilman, L. and Hastings, A.
The Social Impact of the 2017-18 Local Government Budget.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Mackenzie, M. , Hastings, A. , Babbel, B., Simpson, S. and Watt, G.
Proprotionate universalism as a route to mitigating health inequalities? Exploring political, policy and practice uncertainties in times of austerity.
In: Fee, D. and Kober-Smith, A. (eds.)
Inequalities in the UK: New Discourses, Evolutions and Actions.
Emerald Publishing Limited.
ISBN 9781787144804
Hastings, A. , Bailey, N. , Bramley, G. and Gannon, M.
Austerity urbanism in England: the 'regressive redistribution' of local government services and the impact on the poor and marginalised.
Environment and Planning A, 49(9),
pp. 2007-2024.
(doi: 10.1177/0308518X17714797)
Mackenzie, M. , Hastings, A. , Babbel, B., Simpson, S. and Watt, G.
Tackling and mitigating health inequalities – policymakers and practitioners 'talk and draw' their theories.
Social Policy and Administration, 51(1),
pp. 151-170.
(doi: 10.1111/spol.12154)
Madgin, R. , Bradley, L. and Hastings, A.
Connecting physical and social dimensions of place attachment: what can we learn from attachment to urban recreational spaces?
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 31(4),
pp. 677-693.
(doi: 10.1007/s10901-016-9495-4)
McKendrick, J. H., Asenova, D., McCann, C., Reynolds, R., Egan, J., Hastings, A. , Mooney, G. and Sinclair, S.
Conceptualising austerity in Scotland as a risk shift: ideas and implications.
Scottish Affairs, 25(1),
pp. 451-478.
(doi: 10.3366/scot.2016.0152)
Gannon, M., Campbell, A., Bailey, N. , Hastings, A. , Bramley, G. and Aiton, A.
The Social Impact of the 2016-17 Local Government Budget.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hastings, A. and Matthews, P.
Bourdieu and the Big Society: empowering the powerful in public service provision?
Policy and Politics, 43(4),
pp. 545-560.
(doi: 10.1332/030557314X14080105693951)
Hastings, A. , Bailey, N. , Bramley, G., Gannon, M. and Watkins, D.
The Cost of the Cuts: The Impact on Local Government and Poorer Communities.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hastings, A. , Bailey, N. , Bramley, G., Gannon, M. and Watkins, D.
The Cost of the Cuts: the Impact on Local Government and Poorer Communities. Summary Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Bailey, N. , Bramley, G. and Hastings, A.
Symposium introduction: local Responses to ‘austerity’.
Local Government Studies, 41(4),
pp. 571-581.
(doi: 10.1080/03003930.2015.1036988)
Hastings, A. , Bailey, N. , Bramley, G., Gannon, M. and Watkins, D.
The Cost of the Cuts: The Impact on Local Government and Poorer Communities.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hastings, A. , Bailey, N. , Gannon, M., Besemer, K. and Bramley, G.
Coping with the cuts? The management of the worst financial settlement in living memory.
Local Government Studies, 41(4),
pp. 601-621.
(doi: 10.1080/03003930.2015.1036987)
Mackenzie, M. , Conway, E., Hastings, A. , Munro, M. and O'Donnell, C. A.
Intersections and multiple 'candidacies': exploring connections between two theoretical perspectives on domestic abuse and their implications for practicing policy.
Social Policy and Society, 14(1),
pp. 43-62.
(doi: 10.1017/S1474746414000244)
Matthews, P., Bramley, G. and Hastings, A.
Homo economicus in a big society: understanding middle-class activism and NIMBYism towards new housing developments.
Housing, Theory and Society, 32(1),
pp. 54-72.
(doi: 10.1080/14036096.2014.947173)
Nedvetskaya, O., Purcell, R. and Hastings, A.
Looking back at London 2012.
In: Pynter, G., Viehoff, V. and Li, Y. (eds.)
The London Olympics and Urban Development: The Mega-Event City.
Series: Regions and cities (87).
Routledge: London.
ISBN 9781138794948
Hastings, A.
The Scottish Effect: some comments.
In: Collins, C., MacKenzie, M. and McCartney, G. (eds.)
Accounting for Scotland's Excess Mortality: Towards a Synthesis - Commentaries and Responses.
Glasgow Centre for Population Health: Glasgow, pp. 13-16.
Hastings, A. , Bailey, N. , Bramley, G., Croudace, R. and Watkins, D.
'Managing' the middle classes: urban managers, public services and the response to middle-class capture.
Local Government Studies, 40(2),
pp. 203-223.
(doi: 10.1080/03003930.2013.815615)
Mackenzie, M. , Conway, E., Hastings, A. , Munro, M. and O'Donnell, C.
Is ‘candidacy’ a useful concept for understanding journeys through public services? A critical interpretive literature synthesis.
Social Policy and Administration, 47(7),
pp. 806-825.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9515.2012.00864.x)
Hastings, A. , Bailey, N. , Besemer, K., Bramley, G., Gannon, M. and Watkins, D.
Coping with The Cuts: Local Authorities and Poorer Communities.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Sutherland, W. J. et al.
100 questions: identifying research priorities for poverty prevention and reduction.
Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 21(3),
pp. 189-205.
(doi: 10.1332/175982713X671210)
Hastings, A.
Review of 'From Recession to Renewal: The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Public Services and Local Government', J. Richardson (Ed.).
Housing Studies, 27(7),
pp. 1050-1051.
(doi: 10.1080/02673037.2012.617932)[Book Review]
Hastings, A. , Bailey, N. , Besemer, K. and Gannon, M.
"It's the end of local government as we know it": austerity and the remaking of local government in the UK.
In: Social Policy Association Conference 2013, Sheffield, UK, 8-10 Jul 2013,
Hastings, A.
Discourse and linguistic analysis.
In: Ward, K. (ed.)
Researching the City: A Guide for Students.
Sage: London.
ISBN 9781446202104
Hastings, A. , Bailey, N. , Besemer, K., Bramley, G., Gannon, M. and Watkins, D.
Coping With the Cuts: Local Authorities and Poorer Communities. Main Report.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Matthews, P. and Hastings, A.
Middle-class political activism and middle-class advantage in relation to public services: a realist synthesis of the evidence base.
Social Policy and Administration, 47(1),
pp. 72-92.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9515.2012.00866.x)
Matthews, P. and Hastings, A.
Are the usual suspects a problem?
Scottish Planner,
Matthews, P. and Hastings, A.
Understanding middle class community activism.
New Start,
Bramley, G., Bailey, N. , Hastings, A. , Watkins, D. and Croudace, R.
Environmental justice in the city? Challenges for policy and resource allocation in keeping the streets clean.
Environment and Planning A, 44(3),
pp. 741-761.
(doi: 10.1068/a44409)
Hastings, A.
Textual and linguistic analysis.
In: Smith, S.J., Elsinga, M., Fox O'Mahony, L., Eng, O.S., Wachter, S. and Clapham, D. (eds.)
Encyclopaedia of Housing and Home. Volume 7.
Elsevier: Oxford, pp. 190-195.
Hastings, A. , Bramley, G., Bailey, N. and Watkins, D.
Serving deprived communities in a recession.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hastings, A. and Matthews, P.
"Sharp Elbows": Do the Middle-Classes have
Advantages in Public Service Provision and if so how?
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hastings, A.
Can public services 'protect the vulnerable' in the age of austerity? Considering the evidence on street cleaning services in the age of growth.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hastings, A.
Community empowerment in England and Scotland.
Scotregen, 54,
pp. 10-11.
Hastings, A. , Bramley, G., Bailey, N. and Watkins, D.
All in this together? Serving deprived communities in a period of fiscal retrenchment.
In: Housing Studies Conference 2011: Housing in Hard Times: Class, Poverty and Social Exclusion, York, UK, 13-15 Apr 2011,
Hastings, A. and Matthews, P.
Connectivity and Conflict in Periods of Austerity.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hastings, A. and Matthews, P.
Connectivity and Conflict in Periods of Austerity: What do we Know about Middle Class Political Activism and its Effects on Public Services?
[Research Reports or Papers]
Jacobs, K., Arthurson, K., Cica, N., Greenwood, A. and Hastings, A.
The stigmatisation of social housing: findings from a panel investigation.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hastings, A.
Book Review: 'Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning and the World's Games, 1896-2012', J.R. Gold and M.M. Gold (Eds.), 2007 London: Routledge, 368 pp., ISBN 9780415374064 hardback; 9780415374071 paperback.
Urban Studies, 47(10),
pp. 2243-2245.
(doi: 10.1177/00420980100470101104)[Book Review]
Hastings, A. , Bailey, N. , Bramley, G., Croudace, R. and Watkins, D.
Street Cleanliness in Deprived and Better-Off Neighbourhoods: a Clean Sweep?
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hastings, A.
Neighbourhood environmental services and neighbourhood 'effects': Exploring the role of urban services in intensifying neighbourhood problems.
Housing Studies, 24(4),
pp. 503-524.
(doi: 10.1080/02673030902938389)
Hastings, A.
Poor neighbourhoods and poor services: Evidence on the 'rationing' of environmental service provision to deprived neighbourhoods.
Urban Studies, 46(13),
pp. 2907-2927.
(doi: 10.1177/0042098009344995)
Hastings, A. , Bailey, N. , Bramley, G., Croudace, R. and Watkins, D.
Mainstream services and territorial justice: a case study of environmental services.
In: European Network for Housing Research Conference: Changing Housing Markets: Integration and Segmentation contact, Prague, Czech Republic, 28 Jun-01 Jul 2009,
Hastings, A. , Bailey, N. , Bramley, G., Croudace, R. and Watkins, D.
Street Cleanliness in Deprived and Better-Off Neighbourhoods: Findings.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Hastings, A. , Bramley, G., Bailey, N. and Watkins, D.
Narrowing the gap in environmental cleanliness between poor and better off neighbourhoods: data, politics and policy.
In: Royal Geographical Society/IBG Annual International Conference 2009, Manchester, UK, 26-28 Aug 2009,
Bailey, N. , Hastings, A. , Bramley, G. and Watkins, D.
Achieving territorial justice in neighbourhood environmental services: a UK case study.
In: UAA 38th Annual Meeting. 1968 Revisited: Cities 40 Years Later, Baltimore, MD, 23-26 Apr 2008,
Hastings, A. , Bramley, G., Bailey, N. and Watkins, D.
'A clean sweep?': delivering environmental justice in diverse neighbourhoods.
In: 2008 Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London, UK, 27-28 Aug 2008,
Bramley, G., Bailey, N. , Day, R., Hastings, A. and Watkins, D.
Back to basics: the cost of clean streets in different physical and social circumstances.
In: European Urban Research Conference: The Vital City, Glasgow, UK, 12-14 Sept 2007,
Hastings, A.
Territorial justice and neighbourhood services: an exploration of the provision of environmental services to deprived and better off neighbourhoods in the UK.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy,
Hastings, A. , Bailey, N. , Bramley, G., Croudace, R. and Watkins, D.
Environmental justice in the city?
In: European Urban Research Conference: The Vital City, Glasgow, UK, 12-14 Sept 2007,
Tiesdell, S., Adams, D. , Hastings, A. and Turok, I.
A Step Change in Scottish Regeneration Policy?
Town and Country Planning, 75(4 Apri),
pp. 104-107.
Bailey, N. and Hastings, A.
Housing and neighbourhood regeneration.
In: Sim, D. (ed.)
Housing and public policy in post-devolution Scotland.
Series: Chartered Institute of Housing policy and practice series.
Chartered Institute of Housing, pp. 82-93.
ISBN 9781903208632
Hastings, A.
Stigma and Social Housing Estates: Beyond Pathological Explanations.
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 19(3),
pp. 233-254.
Turok, I. et al.
Sources of city prosperity and cohesion: the case of Glasgow and Edinburgh.
In: Boddy, M. and Parkinson, M. (eds.)
City Matters: Competitiveness, Cohesion and Urban Governance.
Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 13-31.
ISBN 9781861344441
Flint, J. and Hastings, A.
Managing Access to Shopping Centre in Periphery Estates.
Forum: Magazine of the Association of Town Centre Managers(Februa),
p. 4.
Hastings, A.
Strategic, multi-level neighbourhood regeneration: an outward-looking approach at last?
In: Imrie, R. and Raco, M. (eds.)
Urban Renaissance? New Labour, community and urban policy.
Policy Press: Bristol, pp. 85-100.
ISBN 1861343809
Hastings, A. and Dean, J.
Challenging images: tackling stigma through estate regeneration.
Policy and Politics, 31(2),
pp. 171-184.
Turok, I., Bailey, N. , Atkinson, R., Bramley, G., Docherty, I. , Gibb, K. , Goodlad, R., Hastings, A. , Kintrea, K. , Kirk, K., Leibovitz, J., Lever, B., Morgan, J., Paddison, R. and Sterling, R.
Twin Track Cities? Linking Prosperity and Cohesion in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
University of Glasgow: Glasgow, UK.
ISBN 1903825059
Bailey, N. and Hastings, A.
Public services in deprived neighbourhoods: evidence of a 'neighbourhood effect' in mainstream public services.
In: Social Policy Association Conference: Localities, Regeneration and Welfare, University of Teeside, UK, 16-18 July 2002,
Bailey, N. and Hastings, A.
Public services in deprived neighbourhoods: spatial injustices from mainstream services.
In: ocial Justice in Scotland: Urban and Rural Dimensions, Aberdeen, UK, 13 Sept 2002,
Bailey, N. , Hastings, A. , Leibowitz, J. and Turok, I.
More than a vision? Assessing the strategic capacity of city-wide partnerships.
In: Fourth European Urban and Regional Studies Conference, (Re)Placing Europe: Economies, Territories and Identities, Barcelona, Spain, 4-7 July 2002,
Hastings, A.
Making Discourse Analysis Explicit.
Housing, Theory and Society, 19(1),
p. 19.
Taylor, P., Turok, I. and Hastings, A.
Competitive Bidding in Urban Regeneration: Stimulus or Disillusionment for the Losers?
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 19(1),
pp. 45-63.
Fitzpatrick, S., Hastings, A. and Kintrea, K.
Youth involvement in urban regeneration: hard lessons, future directions.
Policy and Politics, 28(4),
pp. 493-509.
(doi: 10.1332/0305573002501108)
Fitzpatrick, S., Hastings, A. and Kintrea, K.
Young people's participation in urban regeneration.
ChildRight: Journal of the Children’s Legal Centre, 154,
Fitzpatrick, S., Hastings, A. and Kintrea, K.
Including Young People in Urban Regeneration: A Lot to Learn?
Series: Area regeneration series.
Policy Press: Bristol.
ISBN 9781861341198
Fitzpatrick, S., Hastings, A. and Kintrea, K.
A Lot to Learn? Including Young People in Urban Regeneration.
[Research Reports or Papers]
This list was generated on Mon Feb 17 09:18:52 2025 GMT.