Students on the BDSA sports weekend

As the 9th of October arrived, 100 Glasgow dental students hopped on coaches and departed for the most highly anticipated event of the year - the BDSA Sports Weekend. This event sees dental schools from across the United Kingdom come together for a weekend of sports, fancy dress and socialising. This year the venue was Leeds - and it did not disappoint!

     Friday night saw the classic 'T-shirt Night', with Glasgow rocking their customised bright blue shirts. A great night was had by all; though some were feeling less than fresh at the 7am wake up call for the sports on the Saturday morning! We then donned our classic yellow University of Glasgow colours and took to the netball court, rugby, hockey and football pitches. As the makeshift netball court was drawn hastily on top of the tennis courts, the Netball team led by our own Rachel Goldsmith played right through their sore heads with laser-guided shooting. The Hockey team, as rank underdogs, gave more talented and confident teams a run for their money with some dazzling displays of quick-stickery - particularly from Claire Skimming and Lewis McDougall. Football, spearheaded by Euan Rae were successful in the absence of many of the other teams - with Fraser Baird the top goal scorer for the day. All of the sporting teams put in a solid performance, but the most notable was the Mixed Touch Tugby team. This group of Glasgow boys and girls managed to storm their way to the finals, beating many tough opponents along the way. They then came up against Sheffield and won the over all Touch Rugby competition.

         All in all it was a highly successful event, with Glasgow coming in as runners up. A testament to the new and upcoming sports ethos developing at Glasgow Dental School. The Saturday night was the designated dress up night. With Glasgow being famous for their fabulous costumes we really did make the most of our given theme of '90s Gadgets'. It really was a blast from the past with some dressed as Tamagotchis, Gameboys and even Karaoke Machines, whilst others took a twist on the theme and did 'Gadgets for 90 year olds'. This was particularly funny, and saw the hotel crawling with loads of OAP's. Again, another fabulous night out in Leeds University Union. We travelled back to bonny Scotland on the Sunday, with 100 tired dental students on board. An amazing weekend was had by all, massive thank you to all to attended and of course to Leeds University for having us and organising the event!'

Rachel Goldsmith

Glasgow Dental Rugby Team

Dental Hockey team in action

First published: 2 November 2015