Congratulations to the newly elected GDSS Committee 2015-2016: 

President-Elect: Liz Dias
Vice President: Declan Cairns
Secretary: Scott Wright
Treasurer: Robyn Whitelaw

Social Convenor: Megan McCann
Ball Convenors: Rachael Davey and Ainsely Robertson
Field Day Convenors: Emma O'Donnell and Elena Basley
Pantomime Convenors: Sam Poole and Graeme Ker
Yearbook Convenors: Alison Walkinshaw and Blair Cunningham
Senior Dental Education Committee Rep: Martyn Ritchie Senior
BDSA Rep: Rachel Goldsmith
Junior Dental Education Committee Rep: Rachel Cruickshank
Facilities Convenor: Lydia McGowan
Sports Convenor/Junior BDSA Rep: Lewis McDougall

The current committee wish them all the best of luck when they as they hand over the baton in June/July.

First published: 7 April 2015