Heat winner and sponsors

BDS 5 student Shakil Umerji has won the local heat of a global competition which has been running successfully for over 10 years, organised by dental equipment and supplies manufacturer Dentsply.

Dentsply is a renowned market leader in dental consumables with its products reaching over 120 countries worldwide. It has a long history of working in close partnership with the dental profession and academic institutions, investing heavily in research and development.

Ceram. X duo is one of the newer generation nano –ceramic composite resin materials for anterior and posterior teeth. It is a light-cured, radiopaque restorative material which combines nanotechnology with improved organically modified ceramic particles, resulting in a product with low monomer release, natural aesthetics and superior handling characteristics. It is used as a refined double translucency system, with separate application of dentine core and enamel layers for superior aesthetics.

Following invitation, 12 students from BDS 4 and 5 elected to participate in the School -led heat carried out over two extra clinical sessions. Their poster submissions were subsequently judged by a panel of experienced Restorative Dentistry staff. Shakil’s entry has been forwarded to the UK level contest where prizes include an i-Pad Mini, Kindle and money vouchers. The winning entries from that level then go forward for selection of 1st-3rd positions in the world final with substantial financial prizes attached, together with the opportunity for poster presentation at the Dentsply booth at the next prestigious International Association for Dental Research Meeting.

As ever, student engagement in the contest was excellent and commendable efforts were made by all other participants:

Samera Khan
William Johns-Powell
Amr Taha
Jaspal Purba
Umer Hameed
Nadia Emran
John McQueen
Xin Hui Yeo
Omar Alimazighi
Kathleen Murphy
Zi Ling Lim 

Thanks are due to the NHS nursing staff in ‘C’ Clinic who willingly supported the students through the clinical sessions, to their accommodating patients and finally to Grant Mathieson and Gareth Calvert for sharing the early morning judging task!

We congratulate Shakil on his good work and are pleased to put forward his commendable submission on behalf of University of Glasgow Dental School, Department of Restorative Dentistry.

Adrian Pace-Balzan                   David Watson                       Organisers

First published: 25 March 2015