Number of items: 50.
Harris, S. , Gleba, M., Meeks, N.D. and Cartwrights, C.R.
In: Evans, C., Pollard, J. and Haughton, M. (eds.)
A Book of Sites: River Great Ouse Floodplain and Mid-stream Island Investigations at Barleycroft Farm/Over, Cambridgeshire.
MacDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge.
(Accepted for Publication)
Grömer, K., Harris, S. , Gouy, A. and Brøns, C.
A sensory perspective on high-ranked women’s dress of the 8th till 4th century BC in Mediterranean and central Europe.
In: Sarri, K., Droß-Krüpe, K. and Quillien, L. (eds.)
Textile Crossroads: Exploring European Clothing, Identity, and Culture across Millennia.
Zea Books.
Brück, J., Harris, S. , Henderson, J., Sheridan, A. and Uckelm, M.
Material abundance, ordinary life.
In: Knight, M., Ballantyne, R., Brudenell, M., Cooper, A., Gibson, D. and Robinson Zeki, I. (eds.)
Must Farm pile-dwelling settlement Volume 1. Landscape, architecture and occupation.
Series: CAU Must Farm/Flag Fen Basin Depth & Time.
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge.
(Accepted for Publication)
Gleba, M., Harris, S. and Malcolm-Davies, J.
Textile analysis in Europe: current practices and future prognosis.
In: Mannering, U., Nosch, M.-L. and Drewsen, A. (eds.)
The Common Thread: Collected Essays in Honour of Eva Andersson Strand.
Brepols: Turnhout, pp. 25-32.
ISBN 9782503612775
(doi: 10.1484/M.NAA-EB.5.141752)
Harrison, A., Cartwright, C., Harris, S. , Shearman, F. and Wilkin, N.
Analysis and conservation of a Bronze Age linen textile from Suffolk, UK.
Archaeological Textiles Review, 65,
pp. 49-63.
Davis, M. and Harris, S.
Textiles in a Viking Age hoard: identifying ephemeral traces of textiles in metal corrosion products.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 48,
(doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103796)
Harris, S. , Houston, F. and Oliver, J.
Textile from the Crannog: analyses and weave experiment of a 2/1 twill weave from Oakbank, Scotland, 400 BCE.
Archaeological Textiles Review, 64,
pp. 16-27.
Prew, G. and Harris, S.
United Kingdom.
In: Ulanowska, A., Nosch, M.-L. and Nabais, P. (eds.)
EuroWeb National Survey of the European Textile Dress and Fashion Sectors.
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), pp. 188-197.
Caricola, I. et al.
Organic residue analysis reveals the function of bronze age metal daggers.
Scientific Reports, 12,
(doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-09983-3)
Harris, S. , Brøns, C. and Zuchowska, M. (Eds.)
Textiles in Ancient Mediterranean Iconography.
Series: Ancient Textiles Series.
Oxbow Books: Oxford.
ISBN 9781789257212
Brøns, C., Harris, S. and Żuchowska, M.
Introduction: Approaching textiles in ancient Mediterranean iconography.
In: Harris, S., Brøns, C. and Zuchowska, M. (eds.)
Textiles in Ancient Mediterranean Iconography.
Series: Ancient Textiles Series, 38.
Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 1-17.
ISBN 9781789257212
Harris, S.
Abundance and splendour: textiles of Archaic Greek
statues of young women (korai).
In: Harris, S., Brøns, C. and Zuchowska, M. (eds.)
Textiles in Ancient Mediterranean Iconography.
Series: Ancient Textiles Series, 38.
Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 59-78.
ISBN 9781789257212
Harris, S. and Gleba, M.
Fibres and fabrics.
In: Knight, M., Ballantyne, R., Brudenell, M., Cooper, A., Gibson, D. and Robinson Zeki, I. (eds.)
The Must Farm Pile-dwelling Settlement. Volume 2: Specialist Reports.
Series: CAU Must Farm/Flag Fen Basin Depth & Time.
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge.
(Accepted for Publication)
Harris, S.
The value of things: Textiles in the Iron Age.
In: Hahn, H. P., Klöckner, A. and Wicke, D. (eds.)
Values and Revaluations: The Transformation and Genesis of 'Values in Things' from Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives.
Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 87-105.
ISBN 9781789258134
Harris, S. , Gleba, M., Meeks, N. D. and Cartwright, C. R.
In: Evans, C., Knight, M. and Pollard, J. (eds.)
A Book of Sites: Prehistoric and Palaeoenvironmental Investigations at Barleycroft Farm/Over Cambridgeshire.
Series: The Archaeology of the lower Ouse Valley (IV).
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research: Cambridge.
(Accepted for Publication)
Dimova, B., Gleba, M. and Harris, S.
Naval power and textile technology: sail production in ancient Greece.
World Archaeology, 53(5),
pp. 762-778.
(doi: 10.1080/00438243.2021.2015428)
Harris, S.
The sensory archaeology of textiles.
In: Skeates, R. and Day, J. (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Sensory Archaeology.
Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 210-232.
ISBN 9781138676299
Harris, S.
The challenge of textiles in early bronze age burials: fragments of magnificence.
In: Sabatini, S. and Bergerbrant, S. (eds.)
The Textile Revolution in Bronze Age Europe.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 154-196.
ISBN 9781108493598
Gleba, M. and Harris, S.
The first plant bast fibre technology: identifying splicing in archaeological textiles.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11(5),
pp. 2329-2346.
(doi: 10.1007/s12520-018-0677-8)
Hopewell, P. and Harris, S.
Blue dyed textiles in Early Iron Age Europe: accessible or exclusive?
Archaeological Textiles Review, 61,
pp. 24-37.
Harris, S. , Haigh, S., Handley, A. and Sampson, W.
Material choices for fibre in the Neolithic: an approach through the measurement of mechanical properties.
Archaeometry, 59(3),
pp. 574-591.
(doi: 10.1111/arcm.12267)
Harris, S.
From value to desirability: the allure of worldly things.
World Archaeology, 49(5),
pp. 681-699.
(doi: 10.1080/00438243.2017.1413416)
Harris, S. and Jones, A. M.
Beautiful Things: Textiles and Fibre Artefacts from an Early Bronze Age Cremation, Whitehorse Hill, England.
In: North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles: NESAT XIII, Liberec, Czech Republic, 22-26 May 2017,
ISBN 9788074943973
Cameron, E., Harris, S. and Mould, Q.
The textile and animal-skin object.
In: Jones, A. M. (ed.)
Preserved in the Peat: an Extraordinary Bronze Age Burial on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor, and its Wider Context.
Oxbow: Oxford, pp. 148-156.
ISBN 9781785702600
Harris, S.
The charred textiles from the cremation deposit.
In: Jones, A. M. (ed.)
Preserved in the Peat: an Extraordinary Bronze Age Burial on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor, and its Wider Context.
Oxbow: Oxford, pp. 49-51.
ISBN 9781785702600
Melton, N. D., Montgomery, J., Roberts, B. W., Cook, G. and Harris, S.
On the curious date of the Rylstone log-coffin burial.
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 82,
pp. 383-392.
(doi: 10.1017/ppr.2016.5)
Sheridan, A. et al.
The composite braided hair armband or bracelet.
In: Jones, A. M. (ed.)
Preserved in the Peat: an Extraordinary Bronze Age Burial on Whitehorse Hill, Dartmoor, and its Wider Context.
Oxbow: Oxford, pp. 75-87.
ISBN 9781785702600
Harris, S. and Gleba, M.
Bronze Age moss fibre garments from Scotland – the jury’s out.
Archaeological Textiles Review(57),
pp. 3-11.
Harris, S.
Folded, layered textiles from a Bronze Age pit pyre excavated from Over Barrow 2, Cambridgeshire, England.
In: Grömer, K. and Pritchard, F. (eds.)
Aspects of the design, production and use of textiles and clothing from the Bronze Age to the early modern era : NESAT XII : the North European Symposium of Archaeological Textiles 21st-24th May in Hallstatt, Austria.
Series: Archaeolingua Main Series (33).
Archaeological Alapítvány: Budapest, pp. 73-82.
ISBN 9789639911673
Harris, S.
Flax fibre: innovation and change in the early Neolithic: a technological and material perspective.
In: Svenson, A. (ed.)
Textile Society of America 2014 Biennial Symposium Proceedings: New Directions: Examining the Past, Creating the Future, Los.
University of Nebraska Digital Commons: California, pp. 1-10.
Douny, L. and Harris, S.
Wrapping and unwrapping, concepts and approaches.
In: Harris, S. and Douny, L. (eds.)
Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives.
Series: Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London (64).
Left Coast Press: Walnut Creek, California, pp. 15-40.
ISBN 9781611328875
Harris, S. and Douny, L. (Eds.)
Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives.
Series: Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London.
Left Coast Press: Walnut Creek, California.
ISBN 9781611328875
Harris, S.
Sensible dress: the sight, sound, smell and touch of Late Ertebølle Mesolithic cloth types.
Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 24(1),
pp. 37-56.
(doi: 10.1017/S0959774314000031)
Harris, S. and Veldmeijer, A. (Eds.)
Why Leather? The Material and Cultural Dimensions of Leather.
Sidestone: Leiden.
ISBN 9789088902611
Harris, S.
Cloth culture in the Middle Neolithic of northern Italy with special reference to basketry (c.4900-4250 BC).
In: Pearce, M. and Whitehouse, R. D. (eds.)
Rethinking the Italian Neolithic.
Series: Accordia Research Papers, 13 (13).
Accordia Research Institute, University of London, pp. 103-130.
ISBN 9781873415405
Harris, S.
Introduction: leather in archaeology, between material properties, materiality and technological choices.
In: Harris, S. and Veldmeijer, A. (eds.)
Why Leather? The Material and Cultural Dimensions of Leather.
Sidestone Press: Leiden, pp. 9-21.
ISBN 9789088902611
Harris, S.
Wrapping the dead: an investigation of the Bronze Age burial mounds of southern Scandinavia through a wrapping analysis.
In: Harris, S. and Douny, L. (eds.)
Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives.
Series: Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London (64).
Left Coast Press: Walnut Creek, pp. 115-134.
ISBN 9781611328875
Harris, S. and Hoffmann, K. P.
From stones to gendered bodies: regional differences in the production of the body and gender on the copper age statue-Menhirs of Northern Italy and the Swiss Valais.
European Journal of Archaeology, 17(2),
pp. 264-285.
(doi: 10.1179/1461957114Y.0000000054)
Lelong, O. et al.
Wrappings of power: a woman's burial in cattle hide at Langwell Farm, Strath Oykel.
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 144,
pp. 65-131.
Harris, S.
From the parochial to the universal: comparing cloth cultures in the Bronze Age.
European Journal of Archaeology, 15(1),
pp. 61-97.
(doi: 10.1179/1461957112Y.0000000006)
Higgitt, C., Harris, S. , Cartwright, C. and Cruickshank, P.
Assessing the potential of historic archaeological collections: a pilot study of the British Museum’s Swiss lake village textiles.
British Museum Technical Research Bulletin, 5,
pp. 81-94.
Harris, S.
Preparing skins in prehistory: a review of evidence and approaches.
In: Thomson, R. and Mould, Q. (eds.)
Leather tanneries: the archaeological evidence.
Archetype Press for the Archaeological Leather Group: London, pp. 57-67.
ISBN 9781904982616
Harris, S. , Rösel-Mautendorfer, H., Grömer, K. and Reschreiter, H.
Cloth cultures in prehistoric Europe: the Bronze Age evidence from Hallstatt.
Archaeology International, 12,
pp. 22-26.
(doi: 10.5334/ai.1206)
Harris, S.
Smooth and cool or warm and soft, investigating the properties of cloth in prehistory.
In: Andersson Strand, E., Gleba, M., Mannering, U., Munkholt, C. and Ringgaard, M. (eds.)
North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles X.
Series: Ancient textiles series (5).
Oxbow Books: Oxford, pp. 140-112.
ISBN 9781785701566
Harris, S.
Textiles, cloth and skins: the problem of terminology and relationship.
Textile, 6(3),
pp. 222-237.
(doi: 10.2752/175183508X377645)
Harris, S.
Exploring the materiality of prehistoric cloth types.
In: Cunningham, P., Heeb, J. and Paardekooper, R. (eds.)
Experiencing Archaeology by Experiment: Proceedings of the Experimental Archaeology Conference, Exeter 2007.
Oxbow: Oxford, pp. 81-102.
ISBN 9781842173428
Harris, S.
Investigating social aspects of technical processes: cloth production from plant fibers in a Neolithic lake dwelling on Lake Constance, Germany.
In: Beugnier, V. and Crombé, P. (eds.)
Plant Processing From A Prehistoric and Ethnographic Perspective.
Series: BAR international series (1718).
Archaeopress: Oxford, pp. 83-100.
ISBN 9781407302010
Harris, S.
A report on the examination of animal skin artefacts from the Bronze Age salt mines of Hallstatt, Austria.
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, 17,
pp. 69-76.
(doi: 10.5334/pia.270)
Harris, S.
I tessuti nelle composizioni monumentali della Valcamonica nell'età del Rame.
Bollettino del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, 34,
pp. 222-228.
Harris, S.
Representations of woven textiles in Alpine Europe during the Copper Age.
In: Herring, E. and Wilkins, J.B. (eds.)
Inhabiting Symbols: symbol and image in the ancient Mediterranean.
Series: Accordia specialist studies on the Mediterranean (5).
Accordia Research Institute, University of London: London, pp. 43-84.
ISBN 9781873415252
This list was generated on Thu Feb 6 19:39:45 2025 GMT.