Guidelines and policies

Cleaning, security, respect and responsibility in Clarice Pears

Please take the time to read this overview of the support offered to us by UofG facilities staff, our own responsibility to keep the CP environment clean, safe and secure, and to show respect for all.

 Photo of suggestions box

There have recently been a couple of items sent to our SHW suggestions box about cleaning. We thought an explanation of what our Facilities Services are employed to provide, might be helpful for our staff and students.

Cleaning arrangements

NOTE There is a shortage of cleaners overall in UofG and it is proving difficult to recruit in the current climate.

  • Teaching and meeting rooms get vacuumed once a week, with regular spot checks for general dusting and cleaning
    Office spaces and agile areas are cleaned once a week.
  • Food and drink are allowed in meeting rooms, which can get messy. However, the people organising and using our meeting rooms are responsible for cleaning up spills/crumbs and making sure that space is clean before they leave it, out of respect for their colleagues. If you find a room in a mess it’s because the previous occupant has left it that way, so please tell L1 Reception or your local admin. Meeting rooms are cleaned first thing in the morning. UofG catering will clean up reasonably quickly afterwards however, if you order external catering, it’s your responsibility to clean up.
  • Facilities will respond (when available) to requests from staff for additional cleaning eg a coffee spill which has been left overnight and stains the carpet. 
  • Cleaning staff are contracted to work daytime hours, not out-of-hours, so expect to see them around during our working day and usually in the mornings.
  • Toilets and communal areas are cleaned first thing in the morning. We would ask that paper towels are not put down toilets, which has happened on more than one occasion and blocks the toilets causing additional requests for Facilities support.
  • If you are desk sharing please ask your local admin for wipes, so that you can clean your space after using. Please be mindful of the next user of that desk.

Show respect and take responsibility

  • Please show consideration and respect to all our UofG staff for the job they do.
  • Take ownership and responsibility for looking after your own areas when necessary, and out of respect for your colleagues.
  • Cleaning items can always be found in tea prep areas.

Using the SHW suggestions box

Please remember that the SHW suggestions, comments and questions box is a "suggestions" box not a "complaints" box.

If you have a complaint, please speak to your line manager or local admin who may be able to resolve and if necessary, raise it further.

A few reminders about security

  • Please close windows if you are the last one out of an area at night. Security don’t have capacity to go round the whole building closing windows for us.
  • Fire doors must only be used in an emergency. If staff or students routinely exit through these doors, there is a risk that they will be left open, which is a security risk, i.e. you are allowing anyone to enter the building. PLEASE use the main doors.

Lighting in CP

Problems with many lights are being addressed – it’s a very slow process for the contractors to get their contractors to address it, but we remind them regularly.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article and to consider how you are using our building and relating to colleagues.

Frances, Emma and Asha
SHW executive
Oct 2024