Transdisciplinary Research for the Improvement of Youth Mental Public Health (TRIUMPH)
Childhood and adolescence are key life stages that set the foundations for health in adulthood. However, young people face real challenges to maintain their mental health. They live in an ever-changing environment, driven by changes in technology, communications and the media. Changes that have coincided with an increase in mental health problems, especially amongst girls.
One in ten children and young people experience mental health problems, yet we have few effective solutions for the improvement of youth mental health. Treatment and care, when accessible, treats the problem and not the causes. We believe there is a different approach – one that seeks to understand young people’s strengths, which we can draw on to improve mental health. This approach takes young people themselves as the starting point.
To achieve this, the Transdisciplinary Research for the Improvement of Youth Mental Public Health (TRIUMPH) Network brings together young people, health practitioners, policy-makers and those working with voluntary organisations, with academics from across clinical, social sciences, arts and humanities, design, and computer sciences disciplines. By working together we can find new ways to improve mental health and wellbeing, especially among vulnerable and disadvantaged groups where need is greatest.
TRIUMPH has three research themes (Key groups with the greatest health needs; Social connections and relationships; Schools and other education settings) and three cross-cutting work packages (Partnership agenda setting; Intervention development and co-production; Knowledge exchange and community engagement) that are delivered with partners from across the UK.
TRIUMPH is one of eight UKRI funded mental health networks.
Visit the TRIUMPH website.
- Jo Inchley
- Laurence Moore
- Alice MacLachlan
- Christina McMellon
- Clare Spencer
- Emily Cunningham
- Louise Meechan
- Sharon Simpson
- Mark McCann
- Ruth Lewis
- Pauline Adair
- Chris Bonell
- Julie Cameron
- Tara French
- Ruth Hunter
- Lee Knifton
- Simon Murphy
- Rory O'Connor
- Andrea Taylor
- Kay Tisdall
- Rhys Bevan-Jones
McMellon, C. (n.d.) Co-production with young people: TRIUMPH Youth Advisory Group. UKRI. Available at: (Accessed: 7 January 2025).
Inchley, J., Cunningham, E., McMellon, C. and Maclachlan, A. (2021) New mental health research goals are an important step forward for child and adolescent mental health. Journal of Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/09638237.2021.1898560
McMellon, C., & Maclachlan, A. (2021) Young people’s rights and mental health during a pandemic: an analysis of the impact of emergency legislation in Scotland. Young, 29(4 Suppl). DOI: 10.1177/11033088211032783.
McMellon, C., Dempsie, K., and Eltiraifi, M. (2021) It’s ok to think freely: how participation changed us. In: Bruselius-Jenson, M. Pitti, I. and Tisdall, EKM (Eds.) Young People’s Participation: Revisiting Youth and Inequalities in Europe, Policy Press.
Introducing TRIUMPH Network
Involving young people's voices in mental health research: TRIUMPH Youth Advisory Group