Water and Environment

We seek solutions to some of the World's most pressing environmental and public health problems: clean water and sanitation for all; decarbonisation of water and environmental services; sustainable management of the environment; extracting energy and resources form waste; making our rivers, water infrastructure and water services resilient to climate change.

The team have a diverse range of academic backgrounds which allows them to bring the most up-to-date scientific advances in environmental chemistry, microbiology, mathematical modelling, sensing, informatics, data science and hydraulics to bear on delivering innovative, practical solutions.

We work in close collaboration with Scottish Water, colleagues from across the University of Glasgow and the UK and, academics and water utilities in Thailand, Brazil, Mexico, India, Pakistan, US and Canada. Our research is supported by a large portfolio of UKRI, RAEng, BBSRC, EU and industry grants.

The University of Glasgow have invested heavily in some of the best equipped and environmental labs and hydraulic facilities in the UK to support the research.
