Published: 9 October 2018
Our Resources and Collaborators
Microelectronics Lab (meLAB) - Resources/Collaborations
meLAB is a state-of-the-art Lab with tools to microelectronics design, simulation, layout and measurement from device to architecture.
The meLAB equipped with state-of-the-art characterization facilities from Tektronix.
The EDA tools from CADENCE and MENTOR GRAPHICS have been provided through EUROPRACTICE. We have also licenses of COMSOL Multiphysics (NSL License No: 7078423) and ATK & VNL Synopsys QuantumWise (customer ID: A4219).
meLAB has also access to following facilities at the University of Glasgow:
James Watt Nanofabrication Centre (JWNC), which is one of the finest nanofabrication facilities in the world, having state-of-the-art micro/nanofabrication and metrology equipment.
Electronics Systems Design Centre (ESDC), which provides resources and facilities for high-end electronic, microsystem, radiofrequency, microwave, terahertz, optical and biomedical system design, research, and development.
First published: 9 October 2018