BA in Childhood Practice Registration and Enrolment

Below you will find more in-depth information, on what you are required to do in order to complete student registration and enrolment as quickly as possible.

I am a new student to BA Childhood Practice

Registration for new students will open on Tuesday 2 August 2023.  You will be sent an email from Academic Registry which will give you your GUID and password to log into MyCampus. You cannot do anything until you have the email.  

On completion of Academic Registration, we ask you to pause. We will enrol you on your courses manually. This way we can ensure that you are enrolled on the correct courses, cohort and credits. We guarantee, that your course enrolment is a priority for us and we will notify you once we have completed your course enrolment.  You can then check this on MyCampus and should proceed with your Financial Registration.  

Once you are fully enrolled, you will have access to your final timetable and your student email account. Please be minded that you must use your University email account for all correspondence regarding your studies after that point.  

*When you are fully enrolled, the University Student Services is planning to send your student card by post to your Term Address, listed on your record. Therefore, please make sure you add this information correctly, when you complete your Academic Registration. 

I am a continuing student on BA Childhood Practice

Registration for continuing students will open on Wednesday 9 August 2023. 

Please note that any students who have a resit to undertake will not be able to register or enrol until after resit results have been published.  

If you have a debt on your account, you will not be able to register until this debt is cleared.  

Important: On completion of Academic Registration, we ask you to pause. We will enrol you on your courses manually. This way we can ensure that you are enrolled on the correct courses, cohort and credits. We guarantee, that your course enrolment is a priority for us and we will notify you once we have completed your course enrolment.  You can then check this on MyCampus and should proceed with your Financial Registration.  

Once you are fully enrolled, you will have access to your final timetable. 

Additional Information 
BA Childhood Practice students should complete student registration in three stages. 

  • Stage 1- Complete Academic Registration in MyCampus.  
  • Stage 2 – The BACP team will enrol you in the courses applicable to your individual progression and accredited prior learning. Once this is complete the team will email you to confirm enrolment, cohort and year of entry into the programme.
  • Stage 3- Student should upload their sponsor/funding information and complete financial registration in MyCampus.  Further information regarding how to complete financial registration has been emailed to you.  It is important that you that you follow these instructions.  

Further Support 

If you encounter any issues with registering and enrolling You may also raise a support call using the self-service UofG Helpdesk 
Please visit the Registry how to guides for any further information on the enrolment and registration process.