Number of items: 16.
Vanderhoven, E. , Fontdevila, C. , Langthaler, M., Valiente, O. , Hermann, R., Marković, J., Sethwala, S., Maitra, S. and Calderón, E.
Realising the human development promise in dual VET.
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education,
(doi: 10.1080/03057925.2024.2309240)
(Early Online Publication)
Vanderhoven, E.
Unpacking the global apprenticeship agenda: a comparative synthesis of literature from international organisations in the education policy field.
Globalisation, Societies and Education,
(doi: 10.1080/14767724.2023.2252358)
(Early Online Publication)
Sutherland, C. , Calò, F., Steiner, A. and Vanderhoven, E.
‘You don’t realise they’re helping you until you realise they’re helping you’: reconceptualising adultism through community music.
Children's Geographies, 21(4),
pp. 579-593.
(doi: 10.1080/14733285.2022.2099245)
Celedon Gamboa, C., Vanderhoven, E. and Proestakis Maturana, A.
Perceived success factors in an outstanding school serving vulnerable students: Case-study of a Chilean public school.
Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 12(1),
pp. 1-37.
(doi: 10.17583/remie.4244)
Vanderhoven, E. , Steiner, A., Teasdale, S. and Calò, F.
Can public venture capital support sustainability in the social economy? Evidence from a social innovation fund.
Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 13,
(doi: 10.1016/j.jbvi.2020.e00166)
Book Sections
Vanderhoven, E. , Tikkanen, J. and Jacovkis, J.
Exploring young adults’ lifelong learning policy participation styles: comparative perspectives from Finland, Scotland, and Spain.
In: Benasso, S., Bouillet, D., Neves, T. and Parreira do Amaral, M. (eds.)
Landscapes of Lifelong Learning Policies across Europe.
Series: Palgrave Studies in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning.
Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 89-116.
ISBN 9783030964542
(doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-96454-2_5)
Book Reviews
Vanderhoven, E.
Review of Habermas and social research: between theory and method.
Administrative Theory and Praxis, 42(4),
pp. 633-635.
(doi: 10.1080/10841806.2019.1700463)[Book Review]
Research Reports or Papers
Vanderhoven, E. , Fontdevila, C. and Valiente, O.
Egresados de Dual como Orientadores de Carrera: Un Toolkit para Utilizar el Codiseño y la Voz de los Jóvenes para Mejorar la Orientación Profesional en la Educación Dual.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Vanderhoven, E. , Fontdevila, C. , Valiente, O. and Maitra, S.
Human Development Perspectives on the Transfer of Dual Training: Challenges and Implications.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Vanderhoven, E. , Mackenzie, M. and Valiente, O.
WP1 Realist Literature Synthesis.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Vanderhoven, E. , Mackenzie, M. and Valiente, O.
Work Package 1 Realist Literature Synthesis: Research Design.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Sutherland, C. , Steiner, A., Vanderhoven, E. and Calo, F.
Reconnecting Disadvantaged Young People to Care and Education through Community Music.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Vanderhoven, E. , Bravo, A., Valiente, O. , Hermannsson, K. , Lowden, K. , Doyle, L. , Schweisfurth, M. and Capsada-Munsech, Q.
YOUNG_ADULLLT Scotland: Key Messages for Scottish Policy Actors.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Vanderhoven, E.
London 2012: A Social Legacy for East London?
[Research Reports or Papers]
Vanderhoven, E.
Youth transitions in the midst of pandemic: what role for apprenticeships in Mexico?
Vanderhoven, E.
Informal Solidarity in Partnership Working: Why Relationships Matter.
This list was generated on Sat Feb 8 15:17:51 2025 GMT.