Dr Agnieszka Uflewska
- Associate Tutor (School of Education)
Agnieszka is a scholar and educator specializing in transformative lifelong learning. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Education from the University of Glasgow, complemented by advanced degrees in international relations, foreign service, and research methodologies. With a career traversing academia and international cooperation, she is passionately committed to a global shift towards planet-centred, peaceful, collaborative, and sustainable educational approaches and outcomes.
In February 2022, Agnieszka re-joined the University of Glasgow, bringing with her a wealth of experience garnered during her tenure as a Lecturer (Adjunct) in Political Science, a university Coordinator for Internationalization, and a Chair of the Disciplinary Commission on Academic Misconduct of Students (Warsaw, Poland). During this period, she fostered international academic cooperation, including the intricate negotiations and oversight of the university's international partnerships, spanning Asia, North America, and Europe. She also took the lead in establishing and leading a university-wide team that successfully achieved the prestigious CEEMAN (Central and East European Management Development Association) International Qualification Accreditation, an accomplishment celebrated in December 2021. Furthermore, Agnieszka served as a local advocate for the UN PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) and the UN SDG (Sustainable Development Goals), spearheading the creation of the university's inaugural UN PRME SIP Report in March 2021. She also orchestrated interdisciplinary teams for the development of pioneering cross-disciplinary postgraduate programs, including cybersecurity for business and government, as well as women's leadership initiatives, in collaboration with esteemed local think tanks and non-governmental organizations.
Upon her return to the University of Glasgow in February 2022, Agnieszka maintains an unwavering commitment to mentoring, teaching, and publishing. Her primary dedication lies in guiding and supporting students on their academic journeys, assisting them in the discovery, building academic confidence and nurturing of their unique academic identities. At the core of Agnieszka's academic pursuits stays her unwavering dedication to empower the next generation of ethical and empathetic Lifelong-Learning professionals in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.
Research interests
- Role of Education in the Age of AI/Machine Learning
- Migration, Identity and Smart Nations
- Culture and Artificial Social Intelligence
Agnieszka incorporates tailored mentoring methods, with a primary focus on ensuring students achieve excellence in their academic pursuits, and to foster the cultivation of essential 21st-century skills and graduate attributes, while also prioritizing their mental health and overall well-being.
Currently, Agnieszka supports PhD mentoring of Andrea Kyprianou, who works on assessing andragogical effectiveness of smartphone technologies on learners’ acquisition of phrasal verbs in English. Also, together with Anna Wislon and Sandy Brownlee (Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling), Agnieszka has been co-supervising:
- Kabir, Mohammed Mahbubul
How the use of AI technologies is shaping teachers in HE
Additionally, since re-joining the University of Glasgow in Feb 2022, Agnieszka supervised over 30 PGT students with excellent record of achievements across the School's MSc and MEd Programmes, including:
New Directions in Education:
- Yingu Yang, MSc (2023): Humane Education and Human-Animal Interaction: Implications to Humane Primary Education in China
- Maureen O'Neill, MSc (2022): 'You don't belong here!' The Role of Scots Language in Closing the Poverty-Related Attainment Gap in Scotland
Development of the 21st Skills:
- Anran Zhao, MEd (2023): Blended Learning Pedagogies for Development of the 21st Century Skills among International Students in Higher Education in Sotland
- Yihao Zhang, MSc (2023): Flipped Classroom for Development of Collaborative Skills in Teaching English As Foreign Language in China
- Huishu Hou, MSc (2022): Foreign Language Teaching through Literature as the 21st Century Capability
- Xiaoxuan Kong, MEd (2022): Using Social Networking Sites for Developing the 21st Century in ESL/EFL Education
Inclusion & Equity:
- Lyucqian Wu, MEd (2023): Cooperative Learning & Inclusion of Pupils with ADHD in China’s Primary Education
- Qianyi Hu, MSc (2022/2023): Education Experiences of the Refugee Children in Scotland: Educational Equity and Multicultural Approach
- Min Liu, MSc (2022): Role of Inclusive Pedagogies in Education of Left-behind Children in Rural China
- Yiwen Huang, MSc (2022): Role of Bilingual Online Programs in Fostering Inclusion in China
- Hengbin Qiao, MEd (2022): Shadow Education & Challenge of Educational Equity in China
Learning & Teaching Methods in the Age of AI:
- Ying Liang, MSc (2023): Impact of Generative AI on Transforming Learning and Teaching Experiences in China’s HEIs
- Wei Liu, MSc (2022): Educational Value of Digital Games for Early Education Classroom Practice in China
Policy Analysis:
- Xuan Ma, MSc (2023): Impact of China’s One Child Policy on Education of Millennial Women in China
Psychology of Education:
- Xinuyue Wang, MSc (2023): Overcoming Foreign Language Anxiety among Students in Chinese English Classroom
- Xuan Zhang, MSc (2023): Enhancing Experience of Task-Based Language Learning through Social Constructivism in Foreign Language Class at the HE in China
- Sylwia Szymczyńska, MEd (2023): Experiences of Education among Students of HEIs in Scotland during the Covid-19 Global Pandemic
- Yawen Song, MSc (2022): Role of Educational Practitioners in Reducing Students' Test Anxiety in Chinese Higher Education System
Psychology of Educational Leadership:
- Kejing Wu, MEd (2022): Overcoming Stress in Teaching post-Covid-19: Online and Hybrid Teaching Impact on Occupational Stress across the Higher Education in England
In the 2023-24 academic year Agnieszka teaches the following courses:
- EDUC5406: Adult Learning for Transformation (Course Creator and Lead, MEd/PgDip Adult Education, Community Development & Youth Work)
- EDUC5410: Introduction to Educational and Social Research (SM03, MEd/MSc Educational Studies)
In the past, she taught (and contributed to teaching):
- EDUC5935: Research Application (MSc Education, Online)
- EDUC5156: Modern Educational Thought (MEd/MSc Educational Studies)
- EDUC5406: Curriculum Development in Adult Education (Course Lead, MEd/PgDip Adult Education, Community Development & Youth Work)
- EDUC51069: Perspectives on Youth and Young Adulthood (SM03, MEd/MSc in Education Studies Programmes)
- Advanced Research Methods (Course Lead)
- Educational Policy-Making in Action
- Psychology of Adult Learning
- International Issues in Adult and Continuing Education
- Multilingual Learning in Globalised World (MOOC Future Learn)
Professional activities & recognition
Research fellowships
- 2018 - 2019: Recognising Excellence in Teaching (RET)
- 2007 - 2017: University of Glasgow Research Scholarships
Professional & learned societies
- 2021: Research Network 4: National Strategies for Lifelong Learning Member (Poland), ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning
- 2020: Secretary (Group on Cybersecurity Education), International Centre for Chemical Safety and Security (ICCSS) Global Partners
Selected international presentations
- 2022: Ethical Aspects of AI (Innovatorium, Warsaw, Poland, online)
- 2022: Towards Cybersecurity Education Ecosystems (Internet Development Initiative, Georgia & CyBureau The Institute for Cyber Policy Studies, Israel, online)
- 2021: Challenges to Digital Education: Global Perspectives (UN Internet Governance Forum Youth Summit, Poland, online)
- 2021: Conceptualisations of Social Reality in the Age of AI: Implications for International Relations (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, Warsaw, online)
- 2021: Education for Cybersecurity and Reliability in Industry 4.0 (International Centre for Chemical Safety and Security , ICCSS, Warsaw, Poland)
Additional information
- Over the past few years, Agnieszka has closely collaborated with Anna Mróz, a final-year PhD researcher in applied linguistics at the University of Opole, Poland. This collaborative work has cantered on aspects of online mentoring, supervision practice and pastoral care for PGR students. Notably, Anna is the recipient of the 2022/2023 Recognizing Excellence and Quality in Teaching Award at the University of Opole.
- In her capacity, Agnieszka has also been actively involved with the UN Internet Governance Youth Forum, where she provided mentorship to UN Youth Ambassadors. This engagement has led to valuable research collaborations with dynamic young leaders committed to global education for local impact.
- Furthermore, Agnieszka is deeply committed to providing pastoral and academic support to former, current, and prospective researchers.
- Additionally, she serves as a reviewer for the Journal of Adult and Continuing Education (SAGE) and the Studies in Continuing Education (Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group), further contributing to the academic community.