Related Publications

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Craig, S. (2014). Case comment: Secretary of State for the Home Dept v MN. Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, 28(3), pp. 293-296.

Davcheva, L. and Fay, R. (2014). Tales of Ladino: Sephardic Jews in Bulgaria speak about their heritage language. In: Bet Debora, Vol.1, pp. 86-97.

Fassetta, G. , Phipps, A. and Imperiale, M. G. (2016) Review essay. Hospitality and Society, 6(2), pp. 183 192. (doi: 10.1386/hosp.6.2.183_7)

Fay, R. and Andrews, J. (2018). From linguistic preparation to developing a translingual mind-set – possible implications of plurilingualism for researcher education. In: J. Choi, S. Ollerhead and M. French (eds.), Plurilingualism in learning and teaching: complexities across contexts (pp. 220-233). London: Routledge.

Fay, R. and Davcheva L. (2016). Zones of interculturality and linguistic identity: tales of Ladino by Sephardic Jews in Bulgaria. In P. Holmes, M. Dooly and J.P. O’Regan (eds.), Intercultural dialogue: questions of research, theory and practice (pp. 24-40). London: Routledge.

Fay, R. and Stelma, J. (2016). Criticality, intentionality and intercultural action. In M. Dasli and A. Diaz (eds.), The critical turn in language and intercultural communication pedagogy. pp.120-146, London: Routledge.

Fay, R. and Davcheva, L. (2014). Zones of interculturality and linguistic identity: Tales of Ladino by Sephardic Jews in Bulgaria. In: Language and Intercultural Communication, Vol.14(1), pp. 24-40.

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Gibb, R., and Danero Iglesias, J. (2017), Breaking the silence (again): on language learning and levels of fluency in ethnographic research. In: Sociological Review, Vol. 65(1), pp. 134-149. (doi:10.1111/1467-954X.12389)

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Gramling, D. (2016), Hysterical Postsecularism. In: Cultural Critique, Vol. 93, pp. 86-112. Download here:

Gramling, D. (2016), The Invention of Monolingualism, Bloomsbury Academic.

Gramling, D. (2016), Seven Types of Multilingualism: Or, Wim Wenders Enfilms Pina Bausch. In: The Multilingual Screen New Reflections on Cinema and Linguistic Difference, Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 37-56.

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Gramling, D. and Hepkaner, I. (2016), Translating the Translingual Novel in Early Turkish Republican Literature: The Case of Sabahattin Ali. In: Authorizing Translation: Literature, Theory and Translation, yearbook of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS), pp. 32-46.

Gramling, D. and Dutta. A. (eds.) (2016), Translating Transgender, Vol. 3(3-4) of TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, Duke University Press. Abstract here:

Gramling, D. (2016), Researching Multilingually in German Studies: A Brief Retrospective. In: German Studies Review, Vol 39(3), pp. 529-540. Excerpt here:

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Holmes, P. (2016), Navigating languages and interculturality in the research process : the ethics and positionality of the researcher and the researched. In: M. Dasli and A. Diaz (eds.), The critical turn in intercultural communication pedagogy : theory, research and practice. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 91-108.

Holmes, P., Fay, R., Andrews, J. and Attia, M. (2016), How to research multilingually: Possibilities and complexities. In: Zhu, H., ed. (2016) Research Methods in Intercultural Communication: A Practical Guide. New York: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 88-102.

Huang, Z., Fay, R., & White, R. (2017), Mindfulness and the ethics of intercultural knowledge-work. Language and Intercultural Communication, 17(1), pp. 45-57.

Imperiale, M.G. (2017), A Capability Approach to Language Education in the Gaza Strip: “To Plant Hope in a Land of Despair”. In: Critical Multilingualism Studies, Vol. 5(1).

Imperiale M.G., Phipps A., Al-Masri N., and Fassetta G. (2017) Pedagogies of hope and resistance: English language education in the context of the Gaza Strip, Palestine. In: English Across the Fracture Lines: the contribution and relevance of English to security, stability and peace. Erling, E. J. (Ed). British Council. Read here:

Martin-Jones, M., Andrews, J. and Martin, D. (2016), Reflexive ethnographic research practice in multilingual contexts. In: Martin-Jones, M. and Martin, D., eds. (2016) Researching Multilingualism: Critical and Ethnographic Approaches. London: Routledge, pp. 189-202.

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Phipps, A. (2019) Decolonising Multilingualism: Struggles to Decreate. Series: Writing without borders. Multilingual Matters. ISBN 9781788924054

Phipps, A. and Sitholé, T. (2018) The Warriors Who Do Not Fight. Wild Goose Publications: Glasgow. ISBN 9781849526005

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Phipps, A. (2017), Policies designed to keep refugees in limbo do nothing to promote integration. In: The National, 13 March 2017. Read here:

Phipps, A. (2017), One day without us… here’s what the history book might say in 20 years. In: The National, 21 Feb. 2017. Read here:

Phipps, A. (2016), Brutal baying for teeth, blood and bones for children trying to escape the Jungle. In: The National, 24 Oct. 2016. Read here:

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Phipps, A. (2016), My four days in hell: a Calais diary by Professor Alison Phipps. In: The National, 9 April 2016. Read here:

Phipps, A. (2016), When homes and lives are destroyed we need practical aid and solidarity. In: The National, 2 April 2016. Read here:

Phipps, A. (2015), Refugees dead or alive – an ‘existential challenge’. In: The National, 23 Dec. 2015. Read here:

Phipps, A. (2015), More tears will be shed when The Story of Exile gets worse. In: The National, 2 Dec. 2015. Read here:

Phipps, A. (2015), Refugee plans tear up the treaties created to protect the innocent. In: The National, 8 Oct. 2015. Read here:

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Phipps, A. (2015), Refugee crisis: How should the Government and the EU address it? A 10-point plan by Alison Phipps. In: The National, 5 Sept. 2015. Read here:

Phipps, A. (2014) ‘They are bombing now’: ‘Intercultural Dialogue’ in times of conflict. In: Language and Intercultural Communication, 14(1), pp. 108-124. Abstract here:

Phipps. A. and Fassetta, G. (2015), A critical analysis of language policy in Scotland. In: European Journal of Language Policy, Vol. 7(1), pp. 5-27. Download here:

Spadaro, B., Burdett, C., Creese, A., Forsdick, C. and Phipps, A. (2019) In conversation: translating cultures. Translator, 25(4), pp. 420-433. (doi: 10.1080/13556509.2019.1735211)

White, R. G., Imperiale, M. G., and Perera, E. (2016), The capabilities approach: fostering contexts for enhancing mental health and wellbeing across the globe. In: Globalization and Health, 12, 16. Abstract here:

White, R., Fay, R., Kasujja, R. and Okalo, P. (2015), Global mental health: the importance of contextual sensitivity and appropriate methodologies. In: MAGic 2015 Anthropology and Global Health: Interrogating Theory, Policy and Practice, 09 Sep 2015-11 Sep 2015; University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. Abstract here:

Zwaan, K. (2015), Van A tot Z; de uitspraken van het Hof van Justitie betreffende homoseksuele asielzoekers. In: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht, Vol. 21, pp. 49-54 . Summary here: