Members Biographies
Jane Goldman is one of 12: a collective of women writers using a shared Google document to post monthly poems in response to one another’s writing, working alongside and in response to one another’s creativity, generating home-based art collections and a tight-knit community of women artists. See https://12poetry.wordpress.com/
Colin Herd has been centrally active in various events, including in 2016, ‘Outside-in / Inside-out: A Festival of Outside and Subterranean Poetics’ (funded through AHRC Digital Transformations Fellowship, with over 80 poets, 3 exhibitions and attracting total audiences across the symposia, events and exhibitions of over 800 people); and in 2017, the Peter Manson symposium, funded by the Andrew Tannahill Fund for Scottish Literature at Glasgow University, which drew international scholars to the University to present research on Manson’s significant body of poetry and translation.
In addition, since 2015, Glasgow University has hosted a wide range of leading international contemporary poets, including the Pulitzer Prize winners Gregory Pardlo and Rae Armantrout, Bernadette Mayer, C.A. Conrad, Eileen Myles, Tom Leonard, Chirikure Chirikure, Uchida Go, Jamaican Poet Laureate Lorna Goodison and many more.