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The Waggle o' the Kilt

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Piccolo Theatre: Puppet Opera

The model on display was designed and built by Paul Kingsley of Glasgow. Mr Kingsley, who was a member of the Scottish National Orchestra for 30 years, has had a lifelong interest in theatres and opera.

His miniature theatre, which took over 25 years to complete, is built to an approximate scale of 1/2 inch to a foot. As well as being a full working model it is also a puppet theatre, and performances of opera excerpts have been presented on it since 1986. The set on display is for a projected pantomime production, Sinbad the Sailor.

The neoclassical architecture, decorative auditorium and backstage technical details are typical of a theatre during the early part of this century, but perhaps the foremost characteristic of the model is its almos festive evocation of theatrical atmosphere.