Professor Peter Golding

Peter Golding is Emeritus Professor at Northumbria University where until recently he was Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation). He is also Visiting Professor in the School of Arts and Cultures at Newcastle University. Professor Golding moved to Northumbria in 2010 having previously been Professor of Sociology at Loughborough University, where, from 1990-2006, he was the Head of the Department of Social Sciences, and from 2006-2009 Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research). He was a member of the national Research Assessment Exercise panel for the field in 1996 and 2001, chair of the communications, media and cultural studies sub-panel for 2008, and chair of the Communication, Cultural and Media Studies, Library and Information Management sub-panel for the 2014 REF. He was Vice-Chair of the ESRC postgraduate Recognition Panel for sociology and media and cultural studies, and chair of the HEFCE Media Studies Advisory Committee. He is an editor of the European Journal of Communication, Hon. Chair of the European Sociological Association Media Research Network, and was Co-Chair of the European Science Foundation Programme 'Changing Media, Changing Europe'. He was founder Chair of the subject association for his field, the Standing Conference on Cultural, Communications and Media Studies from 1993-1999, since when he has been Hon. Sec. of its successor body, MeCCSA.

In addition to his current role at Newcastle University, Professor Golding has been a Visiting Professor at universities in Switzerland, New Zealand, Japan, and Brazil and has lectured and taught in over 20 countries. His research interests are in media sociology generally, journalism, media political economy, social inequality, international communications, new media, and media constructs of public and social policy. His books include The Mass Media; Making The News; Images of Welfare: Press and Public Attitudes to Poverty; Excluding the Poor; Communicating Politics: Mass Communications and the Political Process; The Politics of the Urban Crisis; Taxation and Representation: The Media, Political Communication and the Poll Tax; The Political Economy of the Mass Media; Cultural Studies in Question; Beyond Cultural Imperialism, Researching Communications: a practical guide to methods in media and cultural analysis; European Culture and The Media; Unpacking Digital Divides.