Our mission is to produce world-class analytical, theoretical and empirical research that contributes to public debate on cultural, communications and media policies in Scotland, the UK, the EU, and globally.
We are internationally networked in the academic world and have excellent relationships with policy makers, cultural agencies and the media and communications industries.
We value our role as an independent voice and aim to be a highly respected source of critical analysis.
Latest news
10 SepRaymond Boyle was invited to give evidence regarding sports journalism and media freedom to the Council of Europe’s Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media, sub-committee on Media and Information Society.
16 Aug
Congratulations to Areti Chavale on her PhD about ARR
Congratulations to Areti Chavale, Lecturer in Management at the ASBS, who on August 15th successfully defended her PhD thesis on 'Artists’ Resale Right and the Art Market: Evidence from British Art Auctions'. -
07 Aug
AI - A cure for Baumol's disease?
Gillian Doyle, has published an analysis of recent developments in generative AI and what these imply for Baumol's cost disease.