Online Daily Diaries

As a participant in our online daily diary activity, we will ask you to complete two short diary entries per day for four weeks (Monday to Friday, outside of school hours). It should take around ten minutes per day to complete both entries.

In your entries we’ll ask you to respond to prompts about your values. For example, we may provide the prompt- Today I lived my values by……And once you’ve answered this with a few sentences, we would ask you to provide more details with a further prompt, such as - This shapes my values by…….. Pretty simple!

Although we will provide you with some other basic information to help you construct your answer, what we’re really interested in is how you think about your world and your actions.

We will analyse this data to help understand how values develop, the ways in which they are communicated and role they play in people’s lives. Your identity and responses will be held confidentially, and no one except the researchers will be able to identify you or your school.

In recognition of the effort it takes to complete daily diaries, a token of appreciation of between £15 and £40 in vouchers will be sent to you, with the amount dependent on the number of entries you complete (more detailed information regarding the compensation scheme will be sent you on sign-up). 

For more information and to participate in Daily Diaries please click HERE to go to the sign-up pages.

NOTE as you are under the age of 18, parental consent is required to take part in our research. Please read through the sign-up pages carefully with your parent/guardian and only sign up if you’re both happy to do so.

If you’re interested, we’re running a similar study that you can also take part in called Rapid Surveys, click HERE for more details.