Scientific Strategy

Scientific strategy of the REA 

CVD remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Indeed, the prevalence of CVD and its complications are predicted to continue to rise, especially with the compounding effects of multimorbidity, including diabetes mellitus, obesity and dyslipidaemia. Moreover, with the ageing population, increasing numbers of patients will be burdened with multiple chronic pathologies such as CVD, renal dysfunction, dementia and cancer. Hence, understanding the natural history of CVD and the impact of ageing and other risk factors represents a grand challenge that demands research into the elucidation of molecular causes and pathophysiological processes, as well as capacity to study clinical impact. These aspects formed the foundation of our proposal.

The scientific strategy is based on five major tenets:

  1. To undertake and develop innovative and creative research that addresses cardiovascular health and disease
  2. To provide the highest quality training to aspiring cardiovascular researchers
  3. To grow intellectual capacity through recruitment of the brightest scientists
  4. To strengthen research areas of scientific excellence and importance
  5. Engagement with stake-holders. The BHF REA will ensure that research in SCMH continues to be ambitious, long-term, multidisciplinary and collaborative in scope and that it addresses questions of clinical relevance that will impact cardiovascular health at population level.

Small Vessels to Heart Failure: A continuum

Photo for Scientific strategy (2019) section

For Strategy (2019) image

Innovative training programmes

Image of a Banner

Grand Initiatives

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Ambition of research

Image of a Banner