IMAESC students presenting at International Conference
Published: 4 June 2018
IMAESC students will be participating in an international conference on 8th and 9th June titled ‘Teacher Education and Educational Research in the Mediterranean’, organised by the Faculty of Education, University of Malta to mark its 40th Anniversary.
IMAESC students will be participating in the 2018 International Conference 'Teacher Education and Educational Research in the Mediterranean’ organised by the Faculty of Education, University of Malta in collaboration with Malta Educational Research Association (MERA) and the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research (EMCER) from 8th-9th June 2018.
The presentation delivered by IMAESC students is 'Becoming adult educators'.
An abstract of the presentation is as follows:
The field of adult education is constantly evolving and multi-faceted and we see the need to explore our diversity and commonality. We are bringing in our experience from our first spaces as educator-learners who are operating within a second (colonial) space (the university); we have an opportunity to envisage a new paradigm for learning and to re- define who we are as educators (the third space) (Bhabha: 1994). We recognise that becoming an educator is neither a solitary nor a one-time activity.
Even experienced educators are not fully-formed. Therefore, we will create an opportunity for mutual engagement between experienced and emerging professionals in the field.
Accustomed to certain structures and approaches within particular settings, we can delude ourselves that we know our place in this world. However, if we are to continue developing
as people and as professionals, we need to stir things up, reawaken that all-important critical consciousness that is the catalyst of personal and social transformation. Typically,
peripheral approaches will be brought to the fore in this session, a session which will “create a slippage” (to quote border-crossing poet Erin Moure) and challenge us all - ‘participants’ and ‘facilitators’ alike - to really look at what it means to become an educator.
The focus of this symposium is to share, examine and explore our experiences of becoming educators. We will share with you our own reflections on what this means and
invite the participation of the wider group, in the popular education tradition, to help us see the broader landscape of adult education we are part of.
Further information can be found here.
First published: 4 June 2018