Joshua Stutter

Research title: A modern study of Thirteenth–century Organa and Motet

Research Summary

PhD project

Thesis title: What is a clausula?

Discovering a tighter set of parameters that define a thirteenth-century clausula:

  1. What is a clausula, exactly? Definitions of clausulae are wide-ranging in modern writing.
  2. To what extent can the clausula be conceived of as the atom of thirteenth-century polyphony in organa and motet, and what modern methodologies can we apply to this question.

I am conducting a survey of the notational content in the sources of thirteenth-century polyphony. My research methodologies are focused upon:

  • Digital humanities
  • MEI
  • OMR / Machine Learning
  • Accessible web technology as research output


iuchair is a medieval vocal ensemble based in Glasgow, brought together by a shared interest in medieval music, particularly that of neglected, unusual and seldom–performed repertories. Always performing from bespoke editions, iuchair put particular emphasis on bringing performance of early music up to date with current academic thinking by dispelling myths of early music performance, starting again from scratch in matters of pitch, tuning and tempo, considering at the foremost how the music can be best performed.

More info available at: and


CANDR (Clausula Archive of the Notre Dame Repertory)

Currently accessible at:

Development blog:

To Your Rude Health!

Robert Ramsey - How are the mighty fall'n (2022)

Edited for the Church Music Society from the source held in the University of Glasgow special collections

Master's Thesis (2019)

The musical, notational and codicological evidence of W1 for an oral transmission of Notre Dame polyphony to Scotland



University of Glasgow Chancellor's Fund: To your rude health! 17th-century catches and drinking songs from the Euing collection

Annie Dunlop Endowment


  • Organal motets, organum prosulae, polyphonic tropes, motet-likes: the universalisation of the motet (BENEDICAMUS, University of Oslo 7-8 September 2023)
  • Encoding Notre Dame polyphony for corpus analysis (MEC 2023)
  • What do we really mean by 'Clausula'? (MedRen 2023)
  • Data structures for music encoding: tables, trees, and graphs (The Future of Digital Editions of Music, 28-30 March 2023, Northumbria University)
  • To Your Rude Health! Database as artefact using static site generators (DLfM 2021)
  • Annotation of Medieval Music Facsimiles Using "Good Enough" OMR (MEC 2021)
  • The notational evidence of W1 as an artefact of an oral culture of Notre Dame polyphony at St Andrews (MedRen 2020)
  • 'A feeling in the throat, a sensation in the ear', and the strained relationship between thirteenth-century singers and their musical notation (Spheres of Singing 2020)


