Election of Rector

Published: 8 March 2017

With nominations now closed for the post of Rector, the Principal Professor Anton Muscatelli and four members of the SRC Executive discuss both the role and the importance of the University of Glasgow’s values to whoever wins.

With nominations now closed for the post of Rector and the election to take place under single transferrable vote on Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 March, the Principal Professor Anton Muscatelli and the four members of the SRC Executive discuss both the role and the importance of the University of Glasgow’s values to whoever wins.

Principal & SRC discussion

The University of Glasgow Students' Representative Council (SRC) has announced twelve nominations for the forthcoming election of a Rector.

Aamer Anwar

Dr Leif Azzopardi

Brace Belden

Sir Vince Cable

Lady Hazel Cosgrove

Graeme Eddolls

Thomas Hind

John Lindberg

Duncan Logie

Professor Jordan Peterson

Jonathan JJ Tease

Milo Yiannopolous

All nominees have personally agreed to take part in the election which will be conducted electronically and under the single-transferrable-vote system from 9am on 20 March until 4pm on 21 March 2017.

The current Rector is Edward Snowden and his term of office finishes in April 2017.

The Rector of the University of Glasgow is elected by the registered students of the University and the main role of the Rector is to represent the University’s students.

Under the Universities (Scotland) Act 1858, the Rector is the 'ordinary president' of Court, the University’s governing body. The Rector shares the chairing of Court with the Convener of Court, a General Council representative (lay member) on Court. (S)he is expected to attend meetings of Court (5 per year, in October, December, February, April and June) together with a one-day Strategy Day and two half-day briefings, to have a close relationship with the Students' Representative Council, and to bring matters of student concern to the attention of the University's managers. Court is the University's governing body, responsible for overseeing the management of the University. It has 25 members, drawn from the University's students and staff, from its graduates and from the wider community.

Where a Rector is unable able to attend meetings of Court these are chaired by the Convenor of Court.

The result of the Rectorial election is expected to be announced on Tuesday 21 March between 5pm and 5.30pm in the Boyd Orr lecture theatre 1. 

Further information, University Communications and Public Affairs office: tel 0141 330 3535 / media@glasgow.ac.uk

First published: 8 March 2017

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