Card sorting

What it is

A classification activity where individuals sort ideas into distinct categories based on their comprehension of those ideas.

Why this method

To obtain feedback from users on how to arrange information in a user-friendly manner.

How to use

There are two types of card sorting: open and closed. If you are working on a webpage, you may need to use a combination of an open and closed card sort. Typically, card sorting is conducted one person at a time, but it can also be done with groups of two or three.

Open card sort:

  1. Give users a set of cards (sticky notes, notecards, etc.) representing content.
  2. Ask them to group those cards into categories that make sense to them.
  3. Then ask them to go further and label these categories.
  4. Ask them to explain why they grouped the cards and labelled the categories as they did.

Closed card sort:

  1. Give users a set of cards (sticky notes, notecards, etc.) representing content.
  2. Ask them to group those cards into categories that you have pre-defined.
  3. Ask them to explain why they grouped the cards and labelled the categories as they did.

Webpage card sort:

A combination of an open and closed cart sort may be order for organization of pages or content. You might find that you have pre-determined categories that need to be reviewed and changed and that you also need to make new categories. You may also choose to include a ‘Bin’ category to exclude content that is no longer necessary or fitting on your webpage. Be subjective but you can bend some rules of card sorting with this category.