Members Area

This area of the Unison website will provide useful information for our members and allow them to have a voice in our branch. 

As a member of Unison you are entitled to some special deals on services such as Insurance, Mortgages, Financial advice, roadside rescue and even holidays. Click here to look at some of the companies who offer great deals for Unison members (NB: This link will take you to the main Unison website)

  • Want to get active? Our national website has information on where to begin
  • New Travel Club - Unison has appointed Glasgow based firm Stewart Travel to provide a travel service for Unison members
  • There are terrific deals for Unison members in areas of health from opticians to dentists - check out the Health and Wellbeing benefits

Unison Rulebook

Do you want to know how Unison operates? And find out about our aims and objectives? If so, read the current version of the Rulebook here

Change your details online

Moved house? Changed your name? Moved jobs? Need a new membership card? Retired? Got a question about your subscription? You can make all these changes and queries quickly and easily online at: