3. School Procedure Before Interview

9. The Head of School (or nominee) should inform the student of the allegation in writing and invite them to attend an interview. This invitation must be sent to the student at least five working days before the interview to ensure that the student has sufficient notice and time to arrange for someone to accompany/support them if they so wish. A standard letter that can be used by Schools or adapted as necessary is provided as Appendix 1 [Word]. The invitation letter should include:

  • the allegation;
  • the student’s right to be accompanied by one supporter;
  • the procedures which will apply (by enclosing a copy of the Plagiarism Statement and directing the student to the relevant paragraph);
  • a copy of the report and supporting documents, marked up to show the areas of similarity. It is essential that this is provided to the student in advance of the interview. 

Please ask the student to confirm that they have received the letter and that they will attend. If the student states they are unavailable then the meeting may be rescheduled or the student may submit a written statement.

Should the student fail to attend or submit any statement, the case should be dealt with in their absence, noting their failure to engage in the outcome letter.

4. School Procedure At Interview