Desk to 3K Warm-up & Cool Down

How to warm-up?

Do about 5 to 10 minutes of light aerobic exercise to loosen up your muscles and warm you up foryour run. Try walking briskly, marching, jogging slowly, or cycling on a stationary bike. Make sure you don’t rush your warm-up.

Dynamic stretches

Try some dynamic stretches like walking lunges, squats, spinal rotations, shoulder rolls. Stretching cold muscles is never a good idea though, so if you decide to include stretching, do it after you have warmed-up or as part of your cool-down.

Starting your run

When you begin your run, jog slowly at first and gradually build up your speed. You should be breathing very easily. If you feel yourself getting out of breath, slow down. 

Stay Hydrated

When you're working up a sweat it's important to drink plenty of water:

  • Water can help with headaches and improve your mood 
  • Works wonders for your heart, organs and joints
  • Gives you a much needed energy boost and so much more!

Try to drink a couple of glasses of water before starting your run or take a bottle of water with you! Keep hydrated throughout the day, during and after each running session.

Tips for stretching

Here's some helpful tips to think about when stretching: 

  • Try not to bounce while stretching. Hold still on each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds.
  • You shouldn't push through muscle resistance and never stretch to the point of pain.
  • Make sure you're stretching both sides equally.
  • Stay relaxed and breathe in and out slowly.
  • Don’t hold your breath. Take deep belly breaths.