Welcome to the third in our series looking at colleague experiences across the University, through lockdown and into the current session.

Following on from our articles focusing on colleagues’ working from home experiences, this week we catch up with Professor Catherine Lido, Chair in Psychology & Adult Learning in the School of Education, who shares her top tips for delivering online learning to meet the diverse needs of our learners, and also to preserve our own mental and physical wellbeing.

For many colleagues, as we move toward the end of semester one, working from home remains the default position with the majority of teaching also continuing to be delivered online, with both looking likely to continue into semester two.

The change to increased online delivery has been a significant change for many of us. In her video, Catherine shares what she’s learned about delivering online learning; from the importance of showcasing your passion for the subject, to signposting to other relevant resources and, importantly, on looking after your own mental health and wellbeing during this unprecedented time.

In her video, Catherine references the Remote and Blended Teaching webpage which offers details on Glasgow's seven principles of remote and blended teaching.

Our thanks go to Catherine for taking the time to share her experiences of preparing for, and delivering, online learning; some really useful tips many of us can utilise, whether we are delivering online teaching or using technology to work in new ways with our colleagues.

As we continue moving forward with our recovery plan and developing new ways of delivering our key activities, it’s more important than ever that we continue to be mindful of our own health and wellbeing. A host of support resources and information remain available, and these can be accessed via the staff Health & Wellbeing information and resources webpages. We encourage all colleagues to take a look and engage with the resources available.

First published: 5 November 2020