Valuing how we do research

Published: 19 November 2020

Research Integrity Annual Statement published

Each year the University publishes an Annual Statement on Research Integrity to fulfil its obligation under the UK “Concordat to Support Research Integrity". As well as public assurance and accountability, this is also a chance to reflect on the work that has moved us forwards and where next to focus effort.

This year we have seen Research Integrity become one of the five themes for the “Action Plan on Research Culture 2020-2025”. Our new research strategy also makes it explicit that we value quality over quantity and "how research is done is as important as what is done". We have also become a signatory to the UK Reproducibility Network which aims to promote rigorous research practices by promoting training activities and their coordination across the sector.

Our strategic support for Research Integrity is strong, but how does this translate into practice across our range of disciplines?

This question is at the heart of our new Research Integrity training for staff and we are hearing about existing local good practice and fresh ideas for challenging questionable research practices. New Research Integrity training for PGRs also fuels discussions with supervisors and colleagues about what research integrity may look like in practice for a discipline.

Our Annual Statement this year includes a case study from Urban Studies, showing how one interdisciplinary research centre has taken practical steps to be at the forefront of improved research practice in social science.

We hope to share more best practice and support local initiatives going forwards. This may be establishing local authorship policies, informal peer review, journal clubs, open science practices ... all ideas are welcome!

If you have questions about research integrity or want to share ideas for local activities,  please contact Tanita Casci (Head of Research Policy) or Sam Oakley (Researcher Development & Integrity Specialist).

First published: 19 November 2020