UofG lead programme earns two new awards

The Cytokine Signalling Forum (CSF), an online educational resource, run under the auspices of University of Glasgow and supported by CESAS Medical, has received two new awards for excellence in communications for their continuing medical education (CME) programmes.

Current and future perspectives on IL-6 as a target in RA’ won a Digital Health Awards Silver, and ‘Cytokine Signalling IL-6 science as a target in RA at EULAR 2015’ received an APEX Award for Publication Excellence.

Professor Iain McInnes, Muirhead Professor of Medicine, Director of the Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation said: “These awards demonstrate the quality of the educational offering from the CSF and bring the total awards received by this Glasgow lead project to 10, again highlighting the consistent quality of the content produced.”

More than 8.5K vistors for Open Day 

More than 8 and a half thousand people visited the University of Glasgow on 1 September for the Undergraduate Open Day.

Prospective students had the opportunity to take tours of the University, listen to talks on their chosen subject, browse stalls for clubs, societies and student services, chat with staff and students, take photos in the UofG photo booth and even listen to a pipe band! 

Open Day Sept 2016

Open Day Sept 2016

Gifford Lectures

Professor Sean Carroll of the California Institute of Technology will deliver this year’s Gifford Lectures over five nights between 19 and 27 October. The overall theme is:

The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning and the Universe Itself

Individual lectures will cover:

  • Cosmos, Time, Memory
  • The Stuff of Which We Are Made
  • Layers of Reality
  • Simplicity, Complexity, Thought
  • Our Place in the Universe

Download abstracts for all five lectures from the University event page.

Visit Eventbrite for full details and to book your free ticket, which will cover entry to all five lectures.

Professor Sean Carroll

Professor Carroll researches theoretical aspects of cosmology, field theory, gravitation, and quantum mechanics by studying the structure and evolution of the universe. His particular concerns are inflation, the arrow of time, and how quantum mechanics intersects with cosmology. He’s done work on dark matter and dark energy, modified gravity, topological defects, extra dimensions, and violations of fundamental symmetries. His books include From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time, and The Particle at the End of the Universe: How the Hunt for the Higgs Boson Leads Us to the Edge of a New World.

Long-running lecture series

The prestigious Gifford Lectureships were established by Adam Lord Gifford (1820–1887) in a bequest to the universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, St. Andrews and Aberdeen. Their aim: to sponsor lectures to “promote and diffuse the study of Natural Theology in the widest sense of the term - in other words, the knowledge of God”.

The prestige of the Gifford series derives in part from the world-renowned lecturers and from the diversity of intellectual disciplines they represent. In presenting the 2016 lectures, Carroll follows many great thinkers including Alfred North Whitehead, Hannah Arendt, Noam Chomsky, Vilayanur Ramachandran, William James, Jean-Luc Marion, Iris Murdoch, Roger Scruton, Charles Taylor, Carl Sagan, and Rowan Williams.

Image of the Gifford Lectures website

It's nearly DJ Christmas Party time! 

DJ’s Annual Christmas Party will be back on Friday 9 December at the Glasgow University Union and all UofG staff are invited!

Party-goers will be treated to a disco, buffet, raffle and surprise guest stars.

The party, organised by Derek Johnston (DJ) from Estates and Buildings, aims to raise money for The Make a Wish Foundation, which grants wishes to children living with life threatening illnesses.

2016 marks the fifth year for the party which has raised more than £14,000 for charity in the past four years.

DJ said: “The party is a great chance for staff from all different areas of the University to get to know each other and have a great night out. It is always nice to see new faces at the event.

“I’m over the moon with the amount of money we have raised in the last few years with the help of lots of people at UofG. Last year we raised our highest ever total of £4,000 and this year I hope to beat that!”


Tickets are £10 and are available by contacting Derek at derek.johnston@glasgow.ac.uk or 07843 290 800

Thanks to the Ferguson Bequest for donating the buffet and the GUU for donating the hall. 

DJ Christmas Party 2016

First published: 31 August 2016