Image of newspaper headlines for the Urban Studies researchers in the School of Social and Political Sciences.The Urban Studies researchers in the School of Social and Political Sciences found themselves in the media spotlight last week following the publication of a report: "The social impact of the 2016-17 local government budget".

The briefing for the Scottish Parliament assesses the “social impact” of the 2016-17 local government budget by analysing how council savings plans are distributed between “Pro-Poor”, “Neutral” and “Pro-Rich” services.

It is the result of a joint project between SPICe (the Scottish Parliament's information centre, the University of Glasgow and Heriot Watt University, funded by SPICe and the University of Glasgow Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Impact Acceleration Account.

The report created considerable impact with coverage in most of the mainstream newspapers and across TV and Radio.

Read the report on the Scottish Parliament website


First published: 7 November 2016