Get to grips with the US Presidential election

Published: 12 July 2016

The Centre for Open Studies / Ionad an Oilean Fhosgailte is offering a one day event considering the recent primary races for the Democratic and Republican nominations for the 2016 US Presidential election.

The Centre for Open Studies / Ionad an Oilean Fhosgailte is offering a one day event considering the recent primary races for the Democratic and Republican nominations for the 2016 US Presidential election. It will also cover events at the Democratic and Republican party conventions this month, and look forward to the election in November. It will consider the potential fortunes and futures for America.

Cost: £30

Credits: 0

​Date: Saturday 30 July

Time: 10am - 4pm

​Venue: St Andrew Building

Tutor: Murray Leith

Book via this link.​

First published: 12 July 2016

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