Since July a group of staff from Student Services and MaRIO have been taking part in a weekly lunchtime Iyengar Yoga class. This class in self-funded and self-organised by the group and has been a huge success.

“The yoga class has been a godsend. As I sit at a desk for most of the day it has helped with my physical health and the chance to do some gentle, mindful exercise is good for my mental health.”

“I have really enjoyed the chance to meet other staff members in a social environment and also in one that is physically enhancing.  My team is particularly busy and we often don’t take a full lunch break so to have a reason to take time away from my desk is invaluable.”

The class in located in the Wellington Church, lasts for 40 minutes, and is designed to fit into a staff lunch break comfortably. The content is tailored to people who spend most of their day sitting at a desk/computer.

In light of its popularity, a second session will be launched on Thursday lunch times from 28 January and we would like to invite staff from across the university to join. The initial block details are as follows:

Date: Thursday 28 Jan – 25 Feb inclusive
Time: 12.10 – 12.50
Venue: Wellington Church Hall
Cost: £15 for 5 weeks
Level: Iyengar Yoga – Beginner level although other levels may also wish to attend
Equipment: A small number of yoga mats are available to borrow but ideally you would bring your own

To keep things easy to manage the class operates in block bookings with staff committing and paying for 5 weeks at a time. This year the Ferguson Bequest* had kindly granted some funding to part-subsidise the cost of the venue hire, which has allowed us to keep the class as affordable and accessible as possible.

Booking a place

If you would like to take part and can commit to the block with a view to continuing longer term, please book at Thursday Staff Yoga

Spaces are limited but please make use of the waiting list facility to allow us to measure demand and keep your details for next time. If you have any questions please contact

* Professor Thomas Ferguson (1900-1977), Henry Mechan Chair of Public Health (1944-64), bequeathed his estate to the University, with the instruction that the money should be used to foster the social side of University life."

First published: 12 January 2016

<< January