MOOC Design Mapping Framework (MDMF)

The MOOC Design Mapping Framework (MDMF) takes the form of an online web resource, produced using RealTimeBoard, a free online solution which allows many collaborators to interact with a virtual board. A template is created for each week of the MOOC.

The board is split up into 3 segments: Linear Structure Overview (left); the Design Board (centre); and Learning Types (right). The framework contains activities commonly found within MOOCs and are colour coded for clarity and visual impact. Via discussion - and underpinned by the course pedagogy and intended learning outcomes - the team starts to story board their course outline at a macro level.

The learning types used to underpin the framework have been adapted from Diana Laurillard's research which identifies six types of common learning activities. These are: acquisition, inquiry, practice, production, discussion and collaboration (Laurillard, 2012). By mixing this approach with the ABC curriculum design framework of Perovic and Young (2015), we have tailored these learning types to suit MOOC-led activities.

The below video demonstrates how to use RealTimeBoard and provides an overview of the framework. There is also a printable PDF quick guide that provides information on each section of the framework and how the framework is put into practice.


  • Empty week – This PDF resource is a printable version of an empty week.
  • Course Detail – This Excel file has been set up to allow you to capture additional detail on individual steps (learning objects)
  • MOOC Design Mapping Framework – This printable guide covers how to use the framework. It also includes a mock example of a filled in week
  • MOOC Design Toolkit – this guide provides practical support on course pedagogy, course design requirements and tips and links to relevant pages on the Partners site

For further information please contact 

John Kerr MA, BSc (Dist), FHEA, CMALT
Learning Innovation Officer
College of Social Sciences
University of Glasgow

+44 (0)141 330 5008