All new Apple desktops, laptops and iPads purchased for UofG staff are managed and protected by the University of Glasgow, supported by the MyMac service. This enables IT staff to support these devices with greater flexibility and efficiency using software for Apple devices, called Jamf.
This means your device will be:
- Reliable: Software updates and patches are installed automatically in the background, with no need for downtime
- Secure: Antivirus protection and firewalls will be well-maintained and full-disk encryption keeps your data secure even if your device is stolen or lost
- Supported: UofG IT colleagues can help if you have any problems with your device
- Confidential: Your data and files remain completely confidential. MyMac is customised to only collect the data required to support macOS devices.
Software and applications
MyMac provides a Self Service portal to provide software and applications. You can use this to install any software that is listed in the application, using the icon on your launchpad.
Get started using MyMac
Policies for MyMac
- A password is required on every MyMac
- Every machine is required to have FileVault enabled
- The system firewall must be enabled
Already have an Apple desktop, laptop or iPad?
All UofG Apple devices used by staff will be enrolled into MyMac at a later date but, if you already have an Apple device, you can self-enrol at any time.