Space Management: Space Data, Space Audits, Record Floor Plans & Campus Maps

Space Management 3D Image of Rooms & Furniture

Space Data Management is responsible for:

  • Managing the University's land and space holding database including NHS embedded space
  • Managing the University's architectural record plan drawings and Campus Maps
  • Conducting the annual space audit to collect information to inform the central space database
  • Conducting annual room utilisation surveys of centrally managed and locally managed teaching space
  • Providing accurate space management data reports to inform the forward planning of:
    • The Estate
    • Departmental Relocations
    • Energy and other costing requirements including Full Economic Costing (FEC)
    • HESA Estate Management Statistics (EMR Returns)
    • Space Norms and Standards
If you would like to request additional space for your organisational unit, please complete the: Online Space Request Form