
Accessibility Checker

If you are using PowerPoint for Office365, you can run the Accessibility Checker before sharing your presentation.

Select the Review tab then Check Accessibility.

Check accessibility on review ribbon

Blackboard Ally

When you upload a PowerPoint file to Moodle, Blackboard Ally will check the accessibility of your document and provide guidance on how to fix any accessibility issues. Blackboard Ally will also provide alternative formats for PowerPoint files.

Accessibility tips

General guidance in order to make your presentations accessible to a wide audience.



  • Make sure font sizes are large (at least 24pt) and can be seen when presenting
  • Use a sans serif font like Arial, Calibri or Helvetica.
  • Keep text short and to the point
  • Use sufficient white space
  • Avoid using PowerPoint inbuilt animations
  • Avoid using inbuilt action buttons and other shapes as navigation
  • If using charts, provide alt text
  • Avoiding using PowerPoint to show instructional processes, i.e. using software, as this can result in a large number of shapes and images being used all of which require alt text


  • Include alternative text with all visuals 
  • In the alt text briefly describe the image and mention the existence of the text and it's intent
  • Avoid using text in images as the sole method of conveying information. If you must use an image with text in it, repeat that text in the document. 


  • Use a simple table structure and specify column header information
  • Ensure tables don't contain split cells, merged cells or nested tables
  • Don't have any completely blank rows or columns
  • Add alt text to your table


If embedding video in your presentation, make videos accessible to visually impaired and hearing-impaired users.

  • Subtitles typically contain a transcription (or translation) of the dialogue.
  • Closed captions typically also describe audio cues such as music or sound effects that occur off-screen.
  • Video description means audio-narrated descriptions of a video's key visual elements. These descriptions are inserted into natural pauses in the program's dialogue. Video description makes video more accessible to individuals who are blind or visually impaired.


Uploading to Moodle

If you are uploading your presentation to Moodle, do not convert to PDF, upload your presentation in .ppt or .pptx.

Blackboard Ally checks all Powerpoint presentations uploaded to Moodle.