Reunion reports

The 1960 Delta reunion

1960 Delta

Twenty-five members of the Delta Club 1960 enjoyed an excellent lunch at The House for an Art Lover in Bellahouston Park on 1 September 2017. We plan to meet there again, 58 years since graduation, on Friday 31 August 2018. 

The 1967 Zoology reunion

1967 Zoology

The Zoology Honours class graduating in 1967 held our 50-year reunion in September 2017. In addition to a lot of chatting and West End eating, we met up with five members of the teaching and technical staff involved in our education. We also visited SCENE at Rowardennan and were treated to a fascinating account of the history and recent research at the field station, which our class had been among the first to use. The handout for the reunion included a copy of our final examination papers, which certainly brought back memories. We hope to meet up again in a few years’ time.

The 1968 Engineering Reunion

1968 Engineering

The GU Engineering graduates of 1968 had another great weekend away from 13–15 October 2017 to Melrose, Leadhills and Wanlockhead. They visited the old lead mine, which operated from the 13th century up to the mid-19th century, and is now a major tourist attraction in the Southern Uplands. An integral part of the group’s activity is the trust we formed to support engineering students at the University with their project work. If you want to help with this, please contact Hugh O’Neill on or Chris Cromack on

1977 BDS

We celebrated our 40-year reunion on 22 and 23 October 2017 in Lochgreen House Hotel, Troon. The intervening 40 years just melted away as everyone took to the dancefloor to their ’70s favourites. The hotel has been booked again for five years’ time.

The 1977 Beta reunion

1977 Beta

We were joined as always by loyal honorary president Chancellor Sir Kenneth Calman and his wife, who have taken great interest as our varying careers unfolded over the years. Golf, cycling, hillwalking, laughter and wine all helped to make this a very enjoyable weekend, and our undying thanks go to Rona for all her efforts to keep this diaspora connected. To join future reunions, please contact: 

The 1997 Pharmacology reunion

1997 Pharmacology

On 11 November 2017, we held our reunion at the University, organised by Mr Martin Bonaccorsi and Dr Paul Downie with great help from the alumni association, in particular Dan and Rosie. We welcomed guests with food and drink at 1A The Square, with a slideshow of ’90s memorabilia and a killer soundtrack. This was followed by a tour of The Hunterian Museum, a mock graduation complete with scrolls, and a ’90s-themed pub quiz. It was wonderful to see everyone again, including our lecturers Professor Billy Martin and Drs William Wilson and Paul Skett.