Reunions are a fantastic way to reconnect with old friends from your time at Glasgow.
It’s easier than you might think to organise a reunion and the Alumni Engagement Team can provide all the support you need.
We’re in contact with UofG graduates worldwide and can help to put you in touch with one another.
Check below to see if there is an upcoming reunion for your class. If not, why not organise your own?

Friends Reunited
Alumnus Ian Rodney (BSc 1974) brought the 1974 class of Electrical Engineering back together on campus for their 45-year reunion with the help of the UofG alumni team.
Read about the 1974 class of Electrical Engineering reunion in Avenue
Class of 1960 - 1969
If you do not see your class listed, then why not get in touch with the Development and Alumni Office and see about getting an event organised?
Class of 1970 - 1979
The Biochemistry class of 1971 are having a reunion on Tuesday 27th May 2025. If you would be interested in joining, please register with your former classmate Jean Beggs (née Lancaster) at
If you would be interested in attending a reunion for this class, please contact the organisers Andy Hadden or Graham Bamber at or
Are you interested in attending a 1974 Mechanical Engineering 50th Anniversary Reunion? Please contact Christina Wilson at to register your interest.
Are you interested in attending a reunion for the Craiglockhart Teacher's Training College class of 1970?
Please contact Fiona Connell (nee Godfrey) at if you would like to reach out and note any preliminary interest in attending.
If you do not see your class listed, then why not get in touch with the Development and Alumni Office and see about getting an event organised?
Class of 1980 - 1989
If you do not see your class listed, then why not get in touch with the Development and Alumni Office and see about getting an event organised?
Class of 1990 - 1999
If you do not see your class listed, then why not get in touch with the Development and Alumni Office and see about getting an event organised?
Class of 2000 - 2009
If you do not see your class listed, then why not get in touch with the Development and Alumni Office and see about getting an event organised?
Class of 2010 - 2019
If you do not see your class listed, then why not get in touch with the Development and Alumni Office and see about getting an event organised?
Club, Society and School Reunions
Save the Date for this year's Annual Veterinary Alumni Dinner for all graduates celebrating a milestone anniversary in 2024 (those who graduated in a year ending in a '4 or an '9).
The reunion will take place on Saturday 26 October 2024 in the Bute Hall at the University of Glasgow, and we hope you can join us. The evening will begin with a drinks reception in the Hunterian Museum, followed by the Black Tie Dinner and Ceilidh in the Bute Hall. Please book your place using the online registration form.
The Professor James McCall Memorial Lecture will take place at 6pm on Friday 25 October 2024 in the McCall Lecture Theatre, Garscube Campus, followed by a drinks reception in the Mary Stewart Building. We are delighted that this year’s lecture, 'It could happen to a vet', will be delivered by Professor Dominic Mellor BVMS MRCVS PhD DipECVPH. Although this event is free, we do ask that people register to attend - McCall Lecture registration here!
If you require any further information regarding the lecture or dinner, please get in touch with Caroline Hutchinson on +44 (0) 141 330 5704 or email
Can't find an upcoming reunion for your class? Find out how to organise your own.