Tracking the cheetah

Professor Alan Wilson (BSc 1986, BVMS 1987) in a recent three-part BBC documentary series called Big Cats.

You may have seen Professor Alan Wilson (BSc 1986, BVMS 1987) in a recent three-part BBC documentary series called Big Cats. As Professor of Locomotor Biomechanics at the Royal Veterinary College, University of London, he spends large parts of the year in Botswana’s Okavango Delta following cheetah movements and watching how these animals hunt, breed and interact. 

It is estimated that since 2011, Professor Wilson has followed over 500 cheetah hunts using the single-engined plane he built from scratch and taught himself how to fly. His dedication to discovering more about these creatures has made him one of the world’s foremost scientists in cheetah movements in the wild.