Creating Engineers 2020-2022

COVID restrictions meant we were unable to run the competition as plannned between 2020-2022. In 2020, we were part way through when we had to cancel. During 2021 & 2022, due to ongoing restrictions and uncertainties, we developed an approach based on the first round of the competition, encouraging schools to take part in a classroom challenge linked to that years festival theme. 

Creating Engineers 2022: Glasgow's Making Waves Car Challenge 

The theme for GSF22 was Glasgow’s Making Waves. When it comes to engineering, Dorothée Pullinger certainly made waves! In 1918, she and her father designed the Galloway car; a lightweight low-cost car aimed specifically at the new market of women drivers. Many of whom learned to drive during the war.

The Morris Mini, famous in the 1960s was designed in response to a global fuel shortage. The Honda Insight was a leader in hybrid technology as car manufacturers began to respond to environmental challenges (download the GSF 2022 Glasgow's Making Waves Challenge pack for more info on these vehicles).

The task:
- Identify a challenge that car manufacturers might be or are currently facing 
- Design or adapt a car to respond to that challenge 

Download our GSF2022 Creating Engineers Challenge Pack for all the info.

GSF2022 Glasgow's Making Waves Creating Engineers Challenge

Share your designs with us on GSF social media and tag us using #GSFCreatingEngineers and #ScienceOnTheSofa

Creating Engineers 2021: COP26 Bridge Building Challenge

The theme for GSF 2021 was Glasgow Connects which celebrates Glasgow's role in COP 26. This years Creating Engineers challenge is a nod to the importance of making conections and building bridges between countries to achieve COP 26's objectives. It is also linked to the building of a new active travel bridge by the Riverside Museum connecting Govan and Partick across the River Clyde. 

The task is to build a bridge that must: 
- Span the width of the River Clyde
- Be suitable for active travel (human powered, e.g. walking or cycling. Not cars.)
- Allow large ships to travel up the river (e.g. bridge pivots, raises). 

Download our Creating Engineers 2021 challenge pack for more info. 

GSF2021 Glasgow Connects Creating Engineers Challenge

Creating Engineers 2020

During Creating Engineers 2020, the schools had completed both the classroom challenge and cluster challenge stages. As we were gearing up for the regional finals, the COVID-19 pandemic took hold and meant we had to cancel the rest of the competition. Our thanks to the schools and everyone involved in organising the event for their ongoing support.