University of Glasgow James Watt Events
This section includes information on the events that the University of Glasgow are hosting for the James Watt bicentenary celebrations.

James Watt and Glasgow
James Watt was a pioneering engineer, scientist and innovator. To mark the 200th anniversary of his death, an exhibition in the University Library looks at Watt’s life, work and legacy at the University of Glasgow. Learn more about his early life, his work as an instrument maker at the University and his break through moment which had such an impact on the Industrial Revolution.
June 2019 - February 2020
University of Glasgow Library.
Free and open to all ages. Access during advertised Library Opening Hours.

James Watt Bi-centenary Celebration Dinner

Glasgow Science Festival: Glasgow Steams Ahead
Thursday 6 June to Sunday 16 June
Further information can be found by visiting their dedicated webpage.