Joint honours

All of the subjects listed can be studied as part of a joint honours degree. With more than 600 joint undergraduate programmes, Glasgow offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of undergraduate degrees in any university while operating a flexible system of studying that allows you the time to find the right degree for you.

  • Archaeology
  • Digital Media & Information Studies
  • Astronomy
  • Business & Management
  • Business Economics
  • Celtic Civilisation
  • Celtic Studies
  • Central & East European Studies
  • Chemistry
  • Classics (Classical Civilisation)
  • Comparative Literature
  • Computing Science
  • Economic & Social History
  • Economics
  • English Language & Linguistics
  • English Literature
  • Environmental Geoscience
  • Film & Television Studies
  • French
  • Gaelic
  • Geography
  • German
  • Greek
  • History of Art
  • History
  • Italian
  • Mathematics
  • Music MA
  • Philosophy
  • Physics / Theoretical Physics
  • Physiology
  • Politics
  • Portuguese
  • Psychology
  • Russian
  • Social & Public Policy
  • Scottish History
  • Scottish Literature
  • Sociology
  • Spanish
  • Statistics
  • Theatre Studies
  • Theology & Religious Studies