Research areas

Statistics & data analytics




Belbe, Ș., Moldovan, D., Andrieș, A. M., Otto, P., Mare, C. (2024) Evaluation of the space-time effects of Covid-19 on household loans and savings in Romania - A spatial panel data approach at county level. Emerging Markets Review, 63, (doi: 10.1016/j.ememar.2024.101209)

Hawkes, C., Morris, J., Bavcar, S., Wilkie, C., Ray, S., Auquier, C., Benjamin, S., Massó, J. B., Bottin, S., Davies, O., Desmas‐Bazelle, I., Einhorn, A., Figueroa‐Gonzalez, C., Holenova, K., Kritsotalaki, E., Peak, K., Smallwood, K., Treggiari, E., Valenti, P., de la Virgen, M. G., Fournier, Q. (2024) Comparison of CHOP ‐19 and CHOP ‐25 for treatment of peripheral nodal B‐cell lymphoma in dogs: a European multicenter retrospective cohort study. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, (doi: 10.1111/jvim.17222)

Zhu, Q., Lee, D., Stoner, O. (2024) A comparison of statistical and machine learning models for spatio-temporal prediction of ambient air pollutant concentrations in Scotland. Environmental and Ecological Statistics,

(2024) Advanced Statistical Methods in Process Monitoring, Finance, and Environmental Science: Essays in Honour of Wolfgang Schmid.

Paun, L. M., Colebank, M. J., Taylor-LaPole, A., Olufsen, M. S., Ryan, W., Murray, I., Salter, J. M., Applebaum, V., Dunne, M., Hollins, J., Kimpton, L., Volodina, V., Xiong, X., Husmeier, D. (2024) SECRET: Statistical Emulation for Computational Reverse Engineering and Translation with applications in healthcare. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 430, (doi: 10.1016/j.cma.2024.117193)

Mamalakis, M., Banerjee, A., Ray, S., Wilkie, C., Clayton, R. H., Swift, A. J., Panoutsos, G., Vorselaars, B. (2024) Deep multi-metric training: the need of multi-metric curve evaluation to avoid weak learning. Neural Computing and Applications, 36, pp. 18841-18862. (doi: 10.1007/s00521-024-10182-6)

Mattera, R., Otto, P. (2024) Network log-ARCH models for forecasting stock market volatility. International Journal of Forecasting, 40, pp. 1539-1555. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijforecast.2024.01.002)

Stoner, O., Economou, T., Brown, A.R. (2024) Seasonal early warning of impacts of harmful algal blooms on farmed shellfish in coastal waters of Scotland. Water Resources Research, 60, (doi: 10.1029/2023WR034889)

MacBride, C., Davies, V., Lee, D. (2024) A spatial autoregressive random forest algorithm for small-area spatial prediction. Annals of Applied Statistics,

Bryce, E., Castro-Camilo, D., Dashwood, C., Tanyas, H., Ciurean, R., Novellino, A., Lombardo, L. (2024) An updated landslide susceptibility model and a log-Gaussian Cox process extension for Scotland. Landslides, (doi: 10.1007/s10346-024-02368-9)

LI, M., Cuba, D., Hu, C., Castro-Camilo, D. (2024) A wee exploration of techniques for risk assessments of extreme events. Extremes,

Hawkes, C., Morris, J., Bavcar, S., Wilkie, C., Ray, S., Auqier, C., Benjamin, S., Borrego Massó, J., Bottin, S., Davies, O., Desmas-Bazelle, I., Einhorn, A., Figueroa-Gonzalez, C., Holenova, K., Kritsotalaki:, E., Smallwood, K., Treggiari, E., Valenti, P., de la Virgen, M. G., Fournier, Q. (2024) Comparison of CHOP-19 and CHOP-25 for treatment of canine peripheral nodal B-cell lymphomas: a European multicenter retrospective cohort study. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,

Zhang, W., Banerjee, A., Ray, S. (2024) Self-supervised instance segmentation of diabetic foot ulcers via feature correspondence distillation.

Scott, M. (2024) Uncertainty and error in radiocarbon dating. Elsevier

Dalton, D., Lazarus, A., Gao, H., Husmeier, D. (2024) Boundary constrained Gaussian processes for robust physics-informed machine learning of linear partial differential equations. Journal of Machine Learning Research,

Khoo, T. H., Pathmanathan, D., Otto, P., Dabo‐Niang, S. (2024) A Markov‐switching spatio‐temporal ARCH model. Stat, 13, (doi: 10.1002/sta4.713)

Low, M. I., Bowman, A. W., Jones, W., Bonte, M. (2024) Exact optimisation of spatiotemporal monitoring networks by p-splines with applications in groundwater assessment. Environmetrics, 35, (doi: 10.1002/env.2874)

Li, X., Li, Z., Xie, J., Yang, X., Xue, J.-H., Ma, Z. (2024) Self-reconstruction network for fine-grained few-shot classification. Pattern Recognition, 153, (doi: 10.1016/j.patcog.2024.110485)

Li, R., Mair, C. (2024) Exploring Perspectives on Decolonising STEM Education: Insights from Mathematics and Statistics.

Reid, J., Gildea, E., Davies, V., Thompson, J., Scott, M. (2024) Measuring the effect of the anti-nerve growth factor antibodies bedinvetmab and frunevetmab on quality of life in dogs and cats with osteoarthritis using a validated health-related quality of life outcome measure: an observational real-world study. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 11, (doi: 10.3389/fvets.2024.1395360)

Belmont, J., Martino, S., Illian, J., Rue, H. (2024) Spatio-temporal occupancy models with INLA. Methods in Ecology and Evolution,

Paun, M., Fensterseifer Schmidt, A., Mcginty, S., Husmeier, D. (2024) Constrained Bayesian optimization with a cardiovascular application. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 480, (doi: 10.1098/rspa.2023.0371)

Colebank, M. J., Oomen, P. A., Witzenburg, C. M., Grosberg, A., Beard, D. A., Husmeier, D., Olufsen, M. S., Chesler, N. C. (2024) Guidelines for mechanistic modeling and analysis in cardiovascular research. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 327, pp. H473-H503. (doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00766.2023)

Enright, J., Lee, D., Meeks, K., Sylvester, J., Pettersson, W. (2024) The complexity of finding and enumerating optimal subgraphs to represent spatial correlation. Algorithmica, (doi: 10.1007/s00453-024-01256-x)

Ahovègbé, L., Shah, R., Kpossou, A. R., Davis, C., Niebel, M., Filipe, A., Goldstein, E., Alassan, K. S., Keke, R., Sehonou, J., Kodjoh, N., Gbedo, S. E., Ray, S., Wilkie, C., Vattipally, S., Tong, L., Kamba, P. F., Gbenoudon, S. J., Gunson, R., Ogwang, P., Thomson, E. C. (2024) Hepatitis C virus diversity and treatment outcomes in Benin; a prospective cohort study. Lancet Microbe, 5, pp. 697-706. (doi: 10.1016/S2666-5247(24)00041-7)

Jack, E., Alexander, C., Jones, E. M. (2024) Exploring the impact of gamification on engagement in a statistics classroom. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA, (doi: 10.1093/teamat/hrae009)

Gazioglu, S., Scott, E. M. (2024) Determining input factor importance in a compartmental model using screening methods. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, (doi: 10.1080/03610918.2024.2357180)

Otto, P., Doğan, O., Taspinar, S., Schmid, W., Bera, A. (2024) Spatial and spatiotemporal volatility models: a review. Journal of Economic Surveys, (doi: 10.1111/joes.12643)

Bartolo, M. A., Taylor-LaPole, A. M., Gandhi, D., Johnson, A., Li, Y., Slack, E., Stevens, I., Turner, Z., Puelz, C., Husmeier, D., Olufsen, M. S. (2024) Computational framework for the generation of one-dimensional vascular models accounting for uncertainty in networks extracted from medical images. Journal of Physiology,

Meis, M., Pirani, M., Euan, C., Castruccio, S., Simmons, S., Stroud, J.R., Blangiardo, M., Wikle, C.K., Wheeler, M., Naumova, E., Bravo, L., Miller, C., Gel, Y. (2024) Catalysing virtual collaboration: The experience of the remote TIES working groups. Environmetrics, (doi: 10.1002/env.2855)

Cao Pinna, L., Miller, C., Scott, M. (2024) Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Hidden Markov Models to Identify Public Perception of Sustainability in Social Media Data.

Mair, C., Brown, K., Beekman, E., Olowe, E., Macaulay, C., Fu, J., Parodi, A. (2024) Embedding Communication into the Statistics Currciulum.

Zou, Z., O'Donnell, R., Miller, C., Lee, D., Wilkie, C. (2024) A computationally efficient spatio-temporal fusion model for reflectance data.

Muegge, R., Jack, E., Dean, N., Lee, D. (2024) COVID-19 vaccine fatigue in Scotland: how do the trends in attrition rates for the second and third doses differ by age, sex, and council area? Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), (doi: 10.1093/jrsssa/qnae036)

Mair, C., Macaulay, C., Olowe, E., Beekman, E., Brown, K. (2024) Co-creating feedback dialogue tools through course evaluations. Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 10,

Dalton, D., Husmeier, D., Gao, H. (2024) Physics and Lie Symmetry Informed Gaussian Processes.

Abroshan, M., Elliott, A., Khalili, M. M. (2024) Imposing Fairness Constraints in Synthetic Data Generation.

Cao Pinna, L., Gallien, L., Pollock, L. J., Axmanová, I., Chytrý, M., Malavasi, M., Acosta, A. T. R., Campos, J. A., Carboni, M. (2024) Plant invasion in Mediterranean Europe: current hotspots and future scenarios. Ecography, 2024, (doi: 10.1111/ecog.07085)

Cobbold, C., Dawes, A., Schwartz, E. J., Tyson, R. C. (2024) Exploring interdisciplinary appointments: a focused perspective on mathematical biology. Notices of the American Mathematical Society,

Beekman, E., Brown, K., Olowe, E., Callum, M., Mair, C. (2024) How students and staff perceive course evaluations and engage with class reps.

Li, R., Mair, C. (2024) What Would it Take to Decolonise STEM?

Otto, P. (2024) A multivariate spatial and spatiotemporal ARCH model. Spatial Statistics, 60, (doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2024.100823)

Mohammadi, R., Taleai, M., Otto, P., Sester, M. (2024) Analyzing urban crash incidents: an advanced endogenous approach using spatiotemporal weights matrix. Transactions in GIS, 28, pp. 368-410. (doi: 10.1111/tgis.13138)

Yang, Y., Husmeier, D., Gao, H., Berry, C., Carrick, D., Radjenovic, A. (2024) Automatic detection of myocardial ischaemia using generalisable spatio-temporal hierarchical Bayesian modelling of DCE-MRI. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 113, (doi: 10.1016/j.compmedimag.2024.102333)

Chadwick, F. J., Haydon, D. T., Husmeier, D., Ovaskainen, O., Matthiopoulos, J. (2024) LIES of omission: complex observation processes in ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 39, pp. 368-380. (doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2023.10.009)

Di Campli San Vito, P., Yang, X., Ross, J., Shakeri, G., Brewster, S., Venkatesh, S., Street, A., Fachner, J., Fernie, P., Muller-Rodriguez, L., Hung Hsu, M., Odell-Miller, H., Shaji, H., Itaborai, P., Farina, N., Banerjee, S., Kirke, A., Miranda, E. (2024) RadioMe: Adaptive Radio with Music Intervention and Reminder System for People with Dementia in Their Own Home. (doi: 10.1145/3652920.3653055)

de Vilmarest, J., Browell, J., Fasiolo, M., Goude, Y., Wintenberger, O. (2024) Adaptive probabilistic forecasting of electricity (net-)load. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 39, pp. 4154-4163. (doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2023.3310280)

Lee, D. (2024) Computationally efficient localised spatial smoothing of disease rates using anisotropic basis functions and penalised regression fitting. Spatial Statistics, 59, (doi: 10.1016/j.spasta.2023.100796)

Yang, X., Guo, Y., Dong, M., Xue, J.-H. (2024) Towards certified robustness of distance metric learning. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 35, pp. 3834-3844. (doi: 10.1109/TNNLS.2022.3199902)

Jack, E., Alexander, C., Jones, E. M. (2024) Levelling Up Learning: Exploring the Impact of Gamification in Flipped Classrooms. arXiv, (doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2402.18313)

Dunbar, E., Scott, E. M., Tripney, B. G. (2024) Carbon isotope changes through the recent past: f14c and δ13c values in single barley grain from 1852 to 2020. Radiocarbon, (doi: 10.1017/rdc.2024.8)

McNealis, V., Moodie, E. E.M., Dean, N. (2024) Revisiting the effects of maternal education on adolescents' academic performance: Doubly robust estimation in a network-based observational study. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), (doi: 10.1093/jrsssc/qlae008)

Otto, P., Fusta Moro, A., Rodeschini, J., Shaboviq, Q., Ignaccolo, R., Golini, N., Cameletti, M., Maranzano, P., Finazzi, F., Fassò, A. (2024) Spatiotemporal modelling of PM2.5 concentrations in Lombardy (Italy): a comparative study. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, (doi: 10.1007/s10651-023-00589-0)

Bonner, S. J., Zhang, W., Mu, J. (2024) On the identifiability of the trinomial model for mark‐recapture‐recovery studies. Environmetrics, 35, (doi: 10.1002/env.2827)

Rocha, A. S., de Cássia Ribeiro-Silva, R., Silva, J. F.M., Pinto, E. J., Silva, N. J., Paixao, E. S., Fiaccone, R. L., Kac, G., Rodrigues, L. C., Anderson, C., Barreto, M. L. (2024) Postnatal growth in small vulnerable newborns: a longitudinal study of 2 million Brazilians using routine register-based linked data. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 119, pp. 444-455. (doi: 10.1016/j.ajcnut.2023.12.009)

Malinovskaya, A., Mozharovskyi, P., Otto, P. (2024) Statistical process monitoring of artificial neural networks. Technometrics, 66, pp. 104-117. (doi: 10.1080/00401706.2023.2239886)

Ouyang, R., Elliott, A., Limnios, S., Cucuringu, M., Reinert, G. (2024) L2G2G: A scalable local-to-global network embedding with graph autoencoders. Springer

Fülle, M. J., Otto, P. (2024) Spatial GARCH models for unknown spatial locations – an application to financial stock returns. Spatial Economic Analysis, 19, pp. 92-105. (doi: 10.1080/17421772.2023.2237067)

Lilly, J. M. et al. (2024) Migration patterns and navigation cues of Atlantic salmon post‐smolts migrating from 12 rivers through the coastal zones around the Irish Sea. Journal of Fish Biology, 104, pp. 265-283. (doi: 10.1111/jfb.15591)

Vermeire, T. G., Hoet, P., Ion, R.-M., Krätke, R., Proykova, A., Scott, M., de Jong, W. H., SCHEER, (2024) Opinion of the Scientific Committee on health, environmental and emerging risks on the safety of titanium dioxide in toys. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 146, (doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2023.105527)

Shreves, K. V., Saraiva, M., Ruba, T., Miller, C., Scott, E. M., McLaggan, D., van West, P. (2024) Specific phylotypes of Saprolegnia parasitica associated with Atlantic salmon freshwater aquaculture. Journal of Fungi, 10, (doi: 10.3390/jof10010057)

Mair, C., Fu, J. (2024) Learning Development in Statistics Education.

Bee, S., Poole, J., Worden, K., Dervilis, N., Bull, L. (2024) Multitask feature selection within structural datasets. Data-Centric Engineering, 5, (doi: 10.1017/dce.2024.1)

Müller, M., Vlaar, T., Rolnick, D., Hein, M. (2024) Normalization Layers Are All That Sharpness-Aware Minimization Needs.


Donaldson, D. L., Browell, J., Gilbert, C. (2023) Predicting the magnitude and timing of peak electricity demand: A competition case study. IET Smart Grid, (doi: 10.1049/stg2.12152)

Zhou, J., Husmeier, D., Gao, H., Yin, C., Qiu, C., Jing, X., Qi, Y., Liu, W. (2023) Bayesian inversion of frequency-domain airborne EM data with spatial correlation prior information. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, (doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2023.3344946)

Dalton, D., Husmeier, D., Gao, H. (2023) Physics-informed graph neural network emulation of soft-tissue mechanics computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 417, (doi: 10.1016/j.cma.2023.116351)

Law, S., Hasegawa, R., Paige, B., Russell, C., Elliott, A. (2023) Explaining holistic image regressors and classifiers in urban analytics with plausible counterfactuals. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 37, pp. 2575-2596. (doi: 10.1080/13658816.2023.2214592)

Nguyen, H. D., Gupta, M. (2023) Finite sample inference for empirical Bayesian methods. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 50, pp. 1616-1640. (doi: 10.1111/sjos.12643)

Bowman, A. W., Christensen, J. R., Dagneau, C., Kavousanaki, D., Millar, K., Moore, J. (2023) Human hair from the wreck of HMS Erebus of the Franklin Expedition, 1845: elemental chemistry revealed by double-ablation LA-ICP-MS. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 52, (doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.104270)

Lee, D. (2023) Identifying boundaries in spatially continuous risk surfaces from spatially aggregated disease count data. Annals of Applied Statistics, 17, pp. 3153-3172. (doi: 10.1214/23-AOAS1755)

Di Napoli, M., Tanyas, H., Castro-Camilo, D., Calcaterra, D., Cevasco, A., Di Martire, D., Pepe, G., Brandolini, P., Lombardo, L. (2023) On the estimation of landslide intensity, hazard and density via data-driven models. Natural Hazards, 119, pp. 1513-1530. (doi: 10.1007/s11069-023-06153-0)

Hjelmskog, A., Toney, J., Scott, M., Crawford, J., Hasan, C., Winterbottom, J., Meier, P. (2023) Thriving Glasgow Portrait: A shared vision for a healthy, equitable and sustainable future. (doi: 10.36399/gla.pubs.309671)

Foster, H. M.E., Gill, J. M.R., Mair, F. S., Celis-Morales, C. A., Jani, B. D., Nicholl, B. I., Lee, D., O'Donnell, C. A. (2023) Social connection and mortality in UK Biobank: a prospective cohort analysis. BMC Medicine, 21, (doi: 10.1186/s12916-023-03055-7)

Otto, P., Doğan, O., Taşpınar, S. (2023) A dynamic spatiotemporal stochastic volatility model with an application to environmental risks. Econometrics and Statistics, (doi: 10.1016/j.ecosta.2023.11.002)

Gioia, V., Fasiolo, M., Browell, J., Bellio, R. (2023) Additive covariance matrix models: modelling regional electricity net-demand in Great Britain. arXiv, (doi: 10.48550/ARXIV.2211.07451)

Lee, D., Walton, H., Evangelopoulos, D., Katsouyanni, K., Gowers, A. M., Shaddick, G., Mitsakou, C. (2023) Health impact assessment for air pollution in the presence of regional variation in effect sizes: the implications of using different meta-analytic approaches. Environmental Pollution, 336, (doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122465)

Van Mechelen, I., Boulesteix, A.‐L., Dangl, R., Dean, N., Hennig, C., Leisch, F., Steinley, D., Warrens, M. J. (2023) A white paper on good research practices in benchmarking: the case of cluster analysis. WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 13, (doi: 10.1002/widm.1511)

Gemmell, A. J., Brown, C. M., Ray, S., Small, A. (2023) Quantitative uptake in 99mTc-EDDA/HYNIC-TOC somatostatin receptor imaging – the effect of long-acting release somatostatin analogue therapy. Nuclear Medicine Communications, 44, pp. 944-952. (doi: 10.1097/MNM.0000000000001746)

Mair, C., Brown, K., Beekman, E., Olowe, E., Macaulay, C. (2023) Nurturing learning development through student feedback. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 29, (doi: 10.47408/jldhe.vi29.1116)

Cheng, F., Yang, X. (2023) Self-Supervised Cross-Encoder for Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease.

Otto, P., Doğan, O., Taşpınar, S. (2023) Dynamic spatiotemporal ARCH models. Spatial Economic Analysis, (doi: 10.1080/17421772.2023.2254817)

Zhang, W., Ray, S. (2023) Deep Probability Contour Framework for Tumour Segmentation and Dose Painting in PET Images. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43901-8_51)

Carturan, B. S., Siewe, N., Cobbold, C. A., Tyson, R. C. (2023) Bumble bee pollination and the wildflower/crop trade-off: When do wildflower enhancements improve crop yield? Ecological Modelling, 484, (doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2023.110447)

Cantoni, D., Wilkie, C., Bentley, E. M., Mayora-Neto, M., Wright, E., Scott, S., Ray, S., Castillo-Olivares, J., Heeney, J. L., Mattiuzzo, G., Temperton, N. J. (2023) Correlation between pseudotyped virus and authentic virus neutralisation assays, a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature. Frontiers in Immunology, 14, (doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1184362)

Zhang, W., Ray, S. (2023) From coarse to fine: a deep 3D probability volume contour framework for tumor segmentation and dose painting in PET images. Frontiers In Radiology, 3, (doi: 10.3389/fradi.2023.1225215)

Sekhar Sen, I., Nizam, S., Ansari, A., Bowes, M., Choudhary, B., Glendell, M., Ray, S., Scott, M., Miller, C., Wilkie, C., Sinha, R. (2023) Geochemical evolution of dissolved trace elements in space and time in the Ramganga River, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195, (doi: 10.1007/s10661-023-11665-0)

Stoner, O., Halliday, A., Economou, T. (2023) Correcting delayed reporting of COVID-19 using the generalized-Dirichlet-multinomial method. Biometrics, 79, pp. 2537-2550. (doi: 10.1111/biom.13810)

Lee, D., Anderson, C. (2023) Delivering spatially comparable inference on the risks of multiple severities of respiratory disease from spatially misaligned disease count data. Biometrics, 79, pp. 2691-2704. (doi: 10.1111/biom.13739)

Zhang, W., Bonner, S. J., McCrea, R. (2023) Latent multinomial models for extended batch-mark data. Biometrics, 79, pp. 2732-2742. (doi: 10.1111/biom.13789)

Mair, C. (2023) Student and staff perceptions of student evaluations.

Scott, E. M., Naysmith, P., Dunbar, E. (2023) Preliminary results from the Glasgow International Radiocarbon Intercomparison (GIRI) Radiocarbon, (doi: 10.1017/RDC.2023.64)

Di Campli San Vito, P., Shakeri, G., Ross, J., Yang, X., Brewster, S. (2023) Development of a Real-Time Stress Detection System for Older Adults with Heart Rate Data. (doi: 10.1145/3594806.3594817)

Ge, Y., Husmeier, D., Lazarus, A., Rabbani, A., Gao, H. (2023) Bayesian inference of cardiac models emulated with a time series Gaussian process. International Aset Inc.

Pascall, D. J. et al. (2023) Directions of change in intrinsic case severity across successive SARS-CoV-2 variant waves have been inconsistent. Journal of Infection, 87, pp. 128-135. (doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2023.05.019)

Bass, A. M., Coleman, M., Waldron, S., Scott, M. (2023) Dissolved organic carbon export in a small, disturbed peat catchment: insights from long-term, high-resolution, sensor-based monitoring. Limnology and Oceanography, 68, pp. 1750-1761. (doi: 10.1002/lno.12382)

McCartney, G., Hoggett, R., Walsh, D., Lee, D. (2023) How important is it to avoid indices of deprivation that include health variables in analyses of health inequalities? Public Health, 221, pp. 175-180. (doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2023.06.028)

Bronk Ramsey, C. et al. (2023) Development of the IntCal database. Radiocarbon, (doi: 10.1017/RDC.2023.53)

Colombo, P., Miller, C., O'Donnell, R., Yang, X. (2023) A Multifidelity Framework for Wind Speed Data.

Radvanyi, P., Miller, C., Alexander, C., Low, M., Jones, W. R., Rock, L. (2023) Computationally Efficient Ranking of Groundwater Monitoring Locations.

Olowe, E., Macaulay, C., Brown, K., Beekman, E., Mair, C. (2023) Developing Feedback Literacy Minus the Assessment.

Tripney, B.G., Dunbar, E., Scott, E.M., Naysmith, P. (2023) Routine quality assurance in the SUERC Radiocarbon Laboratory. Radiocarbon, (doi: 10.1017/RDC.2023.45)

McBride, R., Wandy, J., Weidt, S., Rogers, S., Davies, V., Daly, R., Bryson, K. (2023) TopNEXt: automatic DDA exclusion framework for multi-sample mass spectrometry experiments. Bioinformatics, 39, (doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btad406)

Di Campli San Vito, P., Yang, X., Brewster, S., Street, A., Fachner, J., Fernie, P., Muller-Rodriguez, L., Hung Hsu, M., Odell-Miller, H., Shaji, H., Itaborai, P., Evison, B., Farina, N., Banerjee, S., Kirke, A., Miranda, E. (2023) RadioMe: Adaptive Radio to Support People with Mild Dementia in Their Own Home. (doi: 10.3233/FAIA230114)

Li, L., Gupta, M., Macaulay, V., Mukhopadhyay, I. (2023) Bayesian GWAS with Evolutionary Monte Carlo.

Li, X., Yang, X., Ma, Z., Xue, J.-H. (2023) Deep metric learning for few-shot image classification: a review of recent developments. Pattern Recognition, 138, (doi: 10.1016/j.patcog.2023.109381)

Rabbani, A., Gao, H., Lazarus, A., Dalton, D., Ge, Y., Mangion, K., Berry, C., Husmeier, D. (2023) Image-based estimation of the left ventricular cavity volume using deep learning and Gaussian process with cardio-mechanical applications. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 106, (doi: 10.1016/j.compmedimag.2023.102203)

Gilbert, C., Browell, J., Stephen, B. (2023) Probabilistic load forecasting for the low voltage network: forecast fusion and daily peaks. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 34, (doi: 10.1016/j.segan.2023.100998)

Paradinas, I., Illian, J., Smout, S. (2023) Understanding spatial effects in species distribution models. PLoS ONE, 18, (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285463)

Ho, A. et al. (2023) Adeno-associated virus 2 infection in children with non-A-E hepatitis. Nature, 617, pp. 555-563. (doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05948-2)

Mair, C., Brown, K., Beekman, E., Olowe, E., Macaulay, C. (2023) Course Evaluations as a Feedback Dialogue Tool.

Glendell, M., Sinha, R., Choudhary, B., Singh, M., Ray, S. (2023) Probabilistic Modelling of Water Quality in the Ramganga River, India, Informed by Sparce Observational Data. (doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7990)

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Husmeier, D., Ferguson, E., Matthiopoulos, J., Insall, R. (2017) Statistical Inference of the Drivers of Collective Cell Movement.

Giurghita, D., Husmeier, D. (2017) Statistical Modelling of Cell Movement Data Using the Unscented Kalman Filter.

Castro-Camilo, D., de Carvalho, M. (2017) Spectral density regression for bivariate extremes. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31, pp. 1603-1613. (doi: 10.1007/s00477-016-1257-z)

Davies, V., Reeve, R., Harvey, W. T., Maree, F. F., Husmeier, D. (2017) A sparse hierarchical Bayesian model for detecting relevant antigenic sites in virus evolution. Computational Statistics, 32, pp. 803-843. (doi: 10.1007/s00180-017-0730-6)

Che Roos, N. A., Alsanosi, S. M., Alsieni, M. A., Gupta, M., Padmanabhan, S. (2017) Antihypertensive Drugs and Risk of Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 391, 790 Patients. (doi: 10.1161/hyp.70.suppl_1.p129)

Bessa, R., Möhrlen, C., Fundel, V., Siefert, M., Browell, J., Haglund El Gaidi, S., Hodge, B.-M., Cali, U., Kariniotakis, G. (2017) Towards improved understanding of the applicability of uncertainty forecasts in the electric power industry. Energies, 10, (doi: 10.3390/en10091402)

Malvaldi, A., Weiss, S., Infield, D., Browell, J., Leahy, P., Foley, A.M. (2017) A spatial and temporal correlation analysis of aggregate wind power in an ideally interconnected Europe. Wind Energy, 20, pp. 1315-1329. (doi: 10.1002/we.2095)

Barraquand, F., Louca, S., Abbott, K. C., Cobbold, C. A., Cordoleani, F., DeAngelis, D. L., Elderd, B. D., Fox, J. W., Greenwood, P., Hilker, F. M., Murray, D. L., Stieha, C. R., Taylor, R. A., Vitense, K., Wolkowicz, G. S.K., Tyson, R. C. (2017) Moving forward in circles: challenges and opportunities in modelling population cycles. Ecology Letters, 20, pp. 1074-1092. (doi: 10.1111/ele.12789)

Ferguson, E. A., Matthiopoulos, J., Insall, R. H., Husmeier, D. (2017) Statistical inference of the mechanisms driving collective cell movement. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 66, pp. 869-890. (doi: 10.1111/rssc.12203)

Browell, J., Gilbert, C. (2017) Cluster-based Regime-switching AR for the EEM 2017 Wind Power Forecasting Competition. (doi: 10.1109/EEM.2017.7982034)

Alexander, C., Stuart-Smith, J., Neocleous, T., Evers, L. (2017) Using Chain Graph Models for Structural Inference With an Application to Linguistic Data.

Otto, P. (2017) A note on efficient simulation of multidimensional spatial autoregressive processes. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 46, pp. 4547-4558. (doi: 10.1080/03610918.2015.1122050)

Ferguson, E. A., Matthiopoulos, J., Husmeier, D. (2017) Constructing Wildebeest Density Distributions by Spatio-temporal Smoothing of Ordinal Categorical Data Using GAMs.

Lazarus, A., Husmeier, D., Papamarkou, T. (2017) Inference in Complex Systems Using Multi-Phase MCMC Sampling With Gradient Matching Burn-in.

Paun, L. M., Qureshi, M. U., Colebank, M., Haider, M. A., Olufsen, M. S., Hill, N. A., Husmeier, D. (2017) Parameter Inference in the Pulmonary Circulation of Mice.

Pasetto, M. E., Husmeier, D., Noè, U., Luati, A. (2017) Statistical Inference in the Duffing System with the Unscented Kalman Filter.

Giurghita, D., Husmeier, D. (2017) Statistical Modelling of Cell Movement.

Aderhold, A., Husmeier, D., Grzegorczyk, M. (2017) Approximate Bayesian inference in semi-mechanistic models. Statistics and Computing, 27, pp. 1003-1040. (doi: 10.1007/s11222-016-9668-8)

Gao, H., Aderhold, A., Mangion, K., Luo, X., Husmeier, D., Berry, C. (2017) Changes and classification in myocardial contractile function in the left ventricle following acute myocardial infarction. Journal of the Royal Society: Interface, 14, (doi: 10.1098/rsif.2017.0203)

Bush, A. et al. (2017) Connecting Earth observation to high-throughput biodiversity data. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 1, (doi: 10.1038/s41559-017-0176)

Grzegorczyk, M., Aderhold, A., Husmeier, D. (2017) Targeting Bayes factors with direct-path non-equilibrium thermodynamic integration. Computational Statistics, 32, pp. 717-761. (doi: 10.1007/s00180-017-0721-7)

Reid, J., Scott, E.M., Calvo, G., Nolan, A.M. (2017) Definitive Glasgow Acute Pain Scale for Cats: validation and intervention level. Veterinary Record, 108, (doi: 10.1136/vr.104208)

Yamaoka, T. T., Flaherty, D., Pawson, P., Scott, M., Auckburally, A. (2017) Comparison of arterial blood pressure measurements obtained invasively or oscillometrically using a Datex S/5 Compact monitor in anaesthetised adult horses. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 44, pp. 492-501. (doi: 10.1016/j.vaa.2016.05.008)

Olivieri, A. et al. (2017) Mitogenome diversity in Sardinians: a genetic window onto an island's past. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 34, pp. 1230-1239. (doi: 10.1093/molbev/msx082)

Papáček, Š., Matonoha, C., Macdonald, B. (2017) Closed-form formulae vs. PDE based numerical solution for the FRAP data processing: Theoretical and practical comparison. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 73, pp. 1673-1683. (doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2017.02.010)

Lee, D., Mukhopadhyay, S., Rushworth, A., Sahu, S. K. (2017) A rigorous statistical framework for spatio-temporal pollution prediction and estimation of its long-term impact on health. Biostatistics, 18, pp. 370-385. (doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxw048)

Cavalcante, L., Bessa, R. J., Reis, M., Browell, J. (2017) LASSO vector autoregression structures for very short-term wind power forecasting. Wind Energy, 20, pp. 657-675. (doi: 10.1002/we.2029)

Labrosse, N., Bownes, J., Forrest, D., MacTaggart, D., McGookin, E., Poet, R., Ray, S., Fischbacher-Smith, M., Jackson, M., McEwan, M., Pringle Barnes, G., Sheridan, N. (2017) Preparing for the Journey: Supporting Students to Make Successful Transitions Into and Out of Taught Postgraduate Study.

Pannullo, F., Lee, D., Neal, L., Dalvi, M., Agnew, P., O'Connor, F. M., Mukhopadhyay, S., Sahu, S., Sarran, C. (2017) Quantifying the impact of current and future concentrations of air pollutants on respiratory disease risk in England. Environmental Health, 16, (doi: 10.1186/s12940-017-0237-1)

Rue, H., Riebler, A., Sørbye, S. H., Illian, J. B., Simpson, D. P., Lindgren, F. K. (2017) Bayesian computing with INLA: a review. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application, 4, pp. 395-421. (doi: 10.1146/annurev-statistics-060116-054045)

Gallacher, K., Miller, C., Scott, E.M., Willows, R., Pope, L., Douglass, J. (2017) Flow-directed PCA for monitoring networks. Environmetrics, 28, (doi: 10.1002/env.2434)

Anderson, C., Ryan, L. (2017) A comparison of spatio-temporal disease mapping approaches including an application to ischaemic heart disease in New South Wales, Australia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, (doi: 10.3390/ijerph14020146)

Otto, P., Lange, A.-L. (2017) Arbeitsbuch der Angewandten Statistik: Mit Aufgaben zur Software R und detaillierten Lösungen. Springer Gabler

Rushworth, A., Lee, D., Sarran, C. (2017) An adaptive spatio-temporal smoothing model for estimating trends and step changes in disease risk. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 66, pp. 141-157. (doi: 10.1111/rssc.12155)

Anderson, C., Lee, D., Dean, N. (2017) Spatial clustering of average risks and risk trends in Bayesian disease mapping. Biometrical Journal, 59, pp. 41-56. (doi: 10.1002/bimj.201600018)

Millar, K., Bowman, A. W. (2017) “Hartnell's time machine” reprise: Further implications of zinc, lead and copper in the thumbnail of a Franklin expedition crewmember. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 13, pp. 286-290. (doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.03.046)

Lawson, A., Lee, D. (2017) Bayesian disease mapping for public health. Elsevier

Liu, Z., Macdonald, B., Husmeier, D., Giurghita, D. (2017) Estimating Parameters of Partial Differential Equations with Gradient Matching.

Python, A., Illian, J., Jones-Todd, C., Blangiardo, M. (2017) Explaining the lethality of Boko Haram’s terrorist attacks in Nigeria, 2009–2014: a hierarchical Bayesian approach. Springer

Noè, U., Chen, W. W., Filippone, M., Hill, N., Husmeier, D. (2017) Inference in a Partial Differential Equations Model of Pulmonary Arterial and Venous Blood Circulation using Statistical Emulation. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-67834-4_15)

McMillan, D., Browell, J. (2017) Optimisation of Wind Energy O&M Decision Making Under Uncertainty [Final Report]: Exploitation Plan.

Niu, M., Rogers, S., Filippone, M., Husmeier, D. (2017) Parameter Inference in Differential Equation Models of Biopathways using Time Warped Gradient Matching. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-67834-4_12)

Browell, J., Gilbert, C., McMillan, D. (2017) Use of Turbine-level Data for Improved Wind Power Forecasting. (doi: 10.1109/PTC.2017.7981134)


Lange, A.-L., Otto, P. (2016) Bayes’sche Statistik in der Dienstleistungsforschung. AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv, 10, pp. 247-267. (doi: 10.1007/s11943-016-0189-x)

Ledo, A., Cornulier, T., Illian, J. B., Iida, Y., Kassim, A. R., Burslem, D. F. R. P. (2016) Re-evaluation of individual diameter: height allometric models to improve biomass estimation of tropical trees. Ecological Applications, 26, pp. 2376-2382. (doi: 10.1002/eap.1450)

Ventrucci, M., Cocchi, D., Scott, E. M. (2016) Smoothing of land use maps for trend and change detection in urbanization. Evironmental and Ecological Statistics, 23, pp. 565-584. (doi: 10.1007/s10651-016-0354-y)

Dowell, J., Hawker, G., Bell, K., Gill, S. (2016) A Review of Probabilistic Methods for Defining Reserve Requirements. (doi: 10.1109/PESGM.2016.7741361)

Ledo, A., Illian, J. B., Schnitzer, S. A., Wright, S. J., Dalling, J. W., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Zotz, G. (2016) Lianas and soil nutrients predict fine-scale distribution of above-ground biomass in a tropical moist forest. Journal of Ecology, 104, pp. 1819-1828. (doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12635)

Chojnacki, L., Cook, C. Q., Dalidovich, D., Hayward Sierens, L. E., Lantagne-Hurtubise, É., Melko, R. G., Vlaar, T. J. (2016) Shape dependence of two-cylinder Rényi entropies for free bosons on a lattice. Physical Review B, 94, (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.165136)

Ferguson, E. A., Matthiopoulos, J., Insall, R. H., Husmeier, D. (2016) Inference of the drivers of collective movement in two cell types: Dictyostelium and melanoma. Journal of the Royal Society: Interface, 13, (doi: 10.1098/rsif.2016.0695)

Otto, P., Schmid, W. (2016) Spatiotemporal analysis of German real-estate prices. Annals of Regional Science, 60, pp. 41-72. (doi: 10.1007/s00168-016-0789-y)

Lee, D., Lawson, A. (2016) Quantifying the spatial inequality and temporal trends in maternal smoking rates in Glasgow. Annals of Applied Statistics, 10, pp. 1427-1446. (doi: 10.1214/16-AOAS941)

Sagitov, S., Lindo, A. (2016) A special family of Galton-Watson processes with explosions. Springer

Minghella, E., Auckburally, A., Pawson, P., Scott, M. E., Flaherty, D. (2016) Clinical effects of midazolam or lidocaine co-induction with a propofol target-controlled infusion (TCI) in dogs. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 43, pp. 472-481. (doi: 10.1111/vaa.12336)

Otto, P., Schmid, W. (2016) Detection of spatial change points in the mean and covariances of multivariate simultaneous autoregressive models. Biometrical Journal, 58, pp. 1113-1137. (doi: 10.1002/bimj.201500148)

Browell, J., Dinwoodie, I., McMillan, D. (2016) Forecasting for Day-ahead Offshore Maintenance Scheduling Under Uncertainty. (doi: 10.1201/9781315374987-16)

Martyna, A., Zadora, G., Neocleous, T., Michalska, A., Dean, N. (2016) Hybrid approach combining chemometrics and likelihood ratio framework for reporting the evidential value of spectra. Analytica Chimica Acta, 931, pp. 34-46. (doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2016.05.016)

Giurghita, D., Husmeier, D. (2016) Inference in Nonlinear Systems with Unscented Kalman Filters.

Mavrogonatou, L., Vyshemirsky, V. (2016) Sequential Importance Sampling for Online Bayesian Changepoint Detection.

Napier, G., Lee, D., Robertson, C., Lawson, A., Pollock, K. G. (2016) A model to estimate the impact of changes in MMR vaccine uptake on inequalities in measles susceptibility in Scotland. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 25, pp. 1185-1200. (doi: 10.1177/0962280216660420)

Lawson, A. B., Lee, D., MacNab, Y. (2016) Editorial. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 25, pp. 1079. (doi: 10.1177/0962280216660410)

Pannullo, F., Lee, D., Waclawski, E., Leyland, A. H. (2016) How robust are the estimated effects of air pollution on health? Accounting for model uncertainty using Bayesian model averaging. Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology, 18, pp. 53-62. (doi: 10.1016/j.sste.2016.04.001)

Huque, M. H., Anderson, C., Walton, R., Ryan, L. (2016) Individual level covariate adjusted conditional autoregressive (indiCAR) model for disease mapping. International Journal of Health Geographics, 15, (doi: 10.1186/s12942-016-0055-7)

Garthoff, R., Otto, P. (2016) Control charts for multivariate spatial autoregressive models. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 101, pp. 67-94. (doi: 10.1007/s10182-016-0276-x)

Ewing, D. A., Cobbold, C. A., Nunn, M. A., Purse, B. V., White, S. M. (2016) Modelling the effect of temperature on the seasonal population dynamics of temperate mosquitoes. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 400, pp. 65-79. (doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.04.008)

Macdonald, B., Niu, M., Rogers, S., Filippone, M., Husmeier, D. (2016) Approximate parameter inference in systems biology using gradient matching: a comparative evaluation. BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 15, (doi: 10.1186/s12938-016-0186-x)

Bessa, R. J., Dowell, J., Pinson, P. (2016) Renewable energy forecasting. John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Millar, K., Bowman, A. W., Battersby, W., Welbury, R. R. (2016) The health of nine Royal Naval Arctic crews, 1848 to 1854: implications for the lost Franklin Expedition. Polar Record, 52, pp. 423-441. (doi: 10.1017/S0032247416000176)

Browell, J. (2016) Forecasting Electricity Prices and Market Length for Trading Stochastic Generation in Markets With a Single-price Balancing Mechanism.

Niu, M., Rogers, S., Filippone, M., Husmeier, D. (2016) Fast inference in nonlinear dynamical systems using gradient matching. Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 48, pp. 1699-1707.

Niu, M., Blackwell, P. G., Skarin, A. (2016) Modeling interdependent animal movement in continuous time. Biometrics, 72, pp. 315-324. (doi: 10.1111/biom.12454)

Rolinski, O. J., McLaughlin, D., Birch, D. J.S., Vyshemirsky, V. (2016) Resolving environmental microheterogeneity and dielectric relaxation in fluorescence kinetics of protein. Methods and Applications in Fluorescence, 4, (doi: 10.1088/2050-6120/4/2/024001)

Flynt, A., Dean, N. (2016) A survey of popular R packages for cluster analysis. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 41, pp. 205-225. (doi: 10.3102/1076998616631743)

Cai, X., Li, Z., Scott, E. M., Li, X., Tang, M. (2016) Short-term effects of atmospheric particulate matter on myocardial infarction: a cumulative meta-analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 7, pp. 6139-6148. (doi: 10.1007/s11356-016-6186-3)

Aderhold, A., Smith, V. A., Husmeier, D. (2016) Biological network inference at multiple scales: from gene regulation to species interactions. John Wiley & Sons

Elayouty, A., Scott, M., Miller, C., Waldron, S., Franco-Villoria, M. (2016) Challenges in modeling detailed and complex environmental data sets: a case study modeling the excess partial pressure of fluvial CO2. Evironmental and Ecological Statistics, 23, pp. 65-87. (doi: 10.1007/s10651-015-0329-4)

Simpson, D., Illian, J.B., Lindgren, F., Sørbye, S.H., Rue, H. (2016) Going off grid: computationally efficient inference for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Biometrika, 103, pp. 49-70. (doi: 10.1093/biomet/asv064)

Soares, P. J., Trejaut, J. A., Rito, T., Cavadas, B., Hill, C., Eng, K. K., Mormina, M., Brandao, A., Fraser, R. M., Wang, T.-Y., Loo, J.-H., Snell, C., Ko, T.-M., Amorim, A., Pala, M., Macaulay, V., Bulbeck, D., Wilson, J. F., Gusmao, L., Pereira, L., Oppenheimer, S., Lin, M., Richards, M. B. (2016) Resolving the ancestry of Austronesian-speaking populations. Human Genetics, 135, pp. 309-326. (doi: 10.1007/s00439-015-1620-z)

Katina, S., McNeil, K., Ayoub, A., Guilfoyle, B., Khambay, B., Siebert, J., Sukno, F., Rojas, M., Vittert, L., Waddington, J., Whelan, P. F., Bowman, A. (2016) The definitions of three-dimensional landmarks on the human face: an interdisciplinary view. Journal of Anatomy, 228, pp. 355-365. (doi: 10.1111/joa.12407)

Dowell, J., Pinson, P. (2016) Very-short-term probabilistic wind power forecasts by sparse vector autoregression. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 7, pp. 763-770. (doi: 10.1109/TSG.2015.2424078)

Altieri, L., Cocchi, D., Greco, F., Illian, J.B., Scott, E.M. (2016) Bayesian P-splines and advanced computing in R for a changepoint analysis on spatio-temporal point processes. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86, pp. 2531-2545. (doi: 10.1080/00949655.2016.1146280)

Catterson, V.M., McMillan, D., Dinwoodie, I., Revie, M., Dowell, J., Quigley, J., Wilson, K. (2016) An economic impact metric for evaluating wave height forecasters for offshore wind maintenance access. Wind Energy, 19, pp. 199-212. (doi: 10.1002/we.1826)

Anderson, C., Lee, D., Dean, N. (2016) Bayesian cluster detection via adjacency modelling. Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology, 16, pp. 11-20. (doi: 10.1016/j.sste.2015.11.005)

Blackwell, P. G., Niu, M., Lambert, M. S., LaPoint, S. D., O'Hara, R. B. (2016) Exact Bayesian inference for animal movement in continuous time. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, pp. 184-195. (doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12460)

Brown, C., Illian, J. B., Burslem, D. F. R. P., Sandhu, L. (2016) Success of spatial statistics in determining underlying process in simulated plant communities. Journal of Ecology, 104, pp. 160-172. (doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12493)

Lee, D., Sahu, S. (2016) Estimating the health impact of air pollution fields. CRC

Chignola, R., Sega, M., Stella, S., Vyshemirsky, V., Milotti, E. (2016) From single-cell dynamics to scaling laws in oncology. World Scientific

Reeve, R., Leinster, T., Cobbold, C. A., Thompson, J., Brummitt, N., Mitchell, S. N., Matthews, L. (2016) How to partition diversity. arXiv,

Kavanagh, L., Lee, D., Pryce, G. (2016) Is poverty decentralizing? Quantifying uncertainty in the decentralization of urban poverty. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 106, pp. 1286-1298. (doi: 10.1080/24694452.2016.1213156)

Davies, V., Reeve, R., Harvey, W. T., Husmeier, D. (2016) Selecting random effect components in a sparse hierarchical Bayesian model for identifying antigenic variability. Springer

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